Sunday, May 24, 2015

Label of Hatred

What is strange and unknown to us may intimidate or alienate us in the beginning, but we have no right to be so judgemental and suspicious about it everytime. What is unknown to us may not be acceptable but it should not be rebuked or negatively commented on. Everyone has a different way of life, thought and dressing and that should be no cause to bully someone or threaten them. We have to accept each other with our differences and by no way hold some accountable for the actions of others. No two people are alike and no two communities are alike. Differences are bound to exist between people but that should not divide them. Just a bit of difference in our attitudes can change the world for the better.

Everybody has different cultures and faiths. The differences in cultures and faiths when intermingled make a beautiful painting in life. Just like the difference in day and night as well as summer and winter, people tend to be different too. Life would be dull and monotonous if everyone looked and behaved the same way. We should try not to judge someone through his nationality or community . As I always say there are good and bad people in each community or country and that should always be kept in mind before putting everyone on the other side under one label...the Label of Hatred.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Destruction of Women in the Battle between Men

Recently I have been watching a TV serial based on a love story amidst the partition of two countries and as always I couldn't help but think about the plight of women in such troubled and dangerous times. I wonder if such horrific events such as wars or riots really stem out of political or religious motives. I feel they are more motivated by lust for power and greed for dominance over another specially women. It takes a more personal tone...It is like as if the animal lying dormant in some men skilfully uses this time to unleash itself under the camouflage of religious or political ambitions to hunt for his prey. At times like that some men hide their really devious intentions towards women under the mask of fighting for a country or cause when actually they are just furthering their own twisted cause. Their greed for power over women consumes them completely and they start attacking women endlessly.Why are women always attacked the most and treated in the most inhuman manner in enmities and clashes between countries and communities ? I think that maybe some men use such crisis to further their own  interests. Such men mask their ugly intentions very carefully.

History stands witness to the fact that in wars, battles or riots women are targeted the most as a means of degrading , humiliating and demeaning the other side. A woman is supposed to be the honour and foundation of her home, country and community and anyone who wants to weaken that foundation axes the roots and therefore attacks the women the maximum on the opposite side. In the battle between men, it is the woman who suffers the most. In the battle between nations and communities we hear of unthinkable atrocities committed against women. In the battle between countries, it is the women who are destroyed, harmed and broken the most in bits and pieces that tear them apart forever and make the world lose faith in humanity. It is sad and heartbreaking that even today women are captured as some sort of prize in wars and taken as slaves. We should be ashamed that we cannot do much to change that. In that case how has advancement in thoughts and civilisation favoured us as a race when we are still stuck in the quicksand of barbaric traditions of war which defy every rule of humanity ?

Yet the same man in more peaceful moments may have gone down on his knees to plead that a woman accepts him as his partner. Then why does the animal in him surface in him in violent times ? Does it have to be because of environment, upbringing or social values ? It is commonly said that a man who respects his mother will respect other women. A man like that would never ever harm a woman in any way.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Paths of Life

Sometimes people or places leave you or you leave them and have to go forward alone from there. In reality nobody actually leaves anyone as it is just that the situation or circumstances that warrant it at that time or destiny carves your life in such a way. 

Destiny carves itself in a person's life most of the time. It may appear that it may be your choice entirely to abandon a place or person but somewhere that choice too is dictated by compulsion of circumstances or life's requirement to align things in a certain way.

At times you need to set out on a search for yourself where not everybody will be able to walk with you. But that does not mean that your ties with that place or person are lost forever. You can still always go back there from time to time to find yourself. Many a times it is alright to delve in the past to discover your strengths and weaknesses remind yourself about the mistakes and trials or tribulations in your life which will help you to embark on strange and new paths with more assurance to usher new changes in your life and combat any challenges that come with it.

New paths that take you to new destinations and people are a journey nobody can ever avoid. There are places and people waiting out there to embrace you and accept you just the way you are if you give them a chance to. Live life and live every moment with it !
