Sunday, November 1, 2015

ONE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ALL ! We as ONE can make the difference !

We as ONE can be the ONES to make a difference to ONE & ONE and thus All... There comes a time when ONE must stand up for their Rights to help others and oneself.

 We all feel strongly about certain causes that are close to our heart. Sometimes it is important to create time to support people to get justice. However justice may not be always served but it is important to work in that direction and put all your efforts in it. Of course that can be very time consuming specially when you research on a particular subject to support any cause. The last month has been a month of fighting for my Rights be it with a reputed Indian Bank or a famous British Telecommunication Company. I have also been making efforts to support other causes concerning safety of women or getting justice for a courageous prisoner of war who was tortured endlessly in a way that abuses humanity and Geneva Convention. I have also stood up for myself and others and that is not easily accepted or digested by many people from where I come from as women are supposed to be more passive around here and not really have a voice.

Causes may be big or small but they all hold relevance in making a change in the society for the betterment of others as well as yourself. Some people think it is a pure waste of time and some think it is a never ending story which will not really change anything ! But change your thought and motivate yourself to bring about positive changes in any field and you would be giving back to this world a better place to live in and a better experience of living. If we want a good life then we have to create that environment around us by doing positive things around us and by working towards bringing about positive changes in the world however challenging that may be !

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