Friday, November 30, 2018

Humour-A spice perfect 2 add 2 life

"Humour is most needed in trying and difficult times. Humour is the seasoning which may improve the flavour of the not so delicious dishes that life offers you.  It is more needed at times like these where  adding a dash of it to your each day and each moment may enhance the flavour of the most bland situations that life feeds you with..."

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Adversity- An unwanted visitor

In adversity it is important to never lose sight of hope and belief ...Believe that everything will work out on it's own when it is meant to be. It is all about the right timing and your determination and perseverance in waiting for what is called  your time. Things may be rough but have hope that things will turn around eventually. Nothing is constant...
In adversity adopt patience and acceptance...Accept what is happening even though you may not like what is happening around you when your world is crumbling. Prevent yourself from being in a state of denial. In acceptance do we learn to deal with what is happening and find ways around it. Be patient with yourself and do not be harsh on yourself. Sometimes things do not happen the way you want them and sometimes you may reach somewhere you never though you would. But this is life and it cannot always be a bed of roses. Find yourself again and fight back with renewed strength. When the going gets tough, the tough get going !
The road of adversity is not an easy one and is full of challenging twists, thorns of doubts and intimidating turns. But do not lose balance. Remain firm in your beliefs and true to your dreams as at some given time you will reach there no matter what if you truly keep trying without worrying about the results. The good results may not greet you immediately but you cannot be ignored forever and Lady Luck will befriend you soon enough. Just believe in yourself through it all even if others don't. At these times the most important person you can rely on is yourself as you alone can get yourself through this. The bad circumstances may break you and invite insecurity but at times you have to break or fall to form and bloom again.
In adversity never forget gratitude as that will give you peace. Be thankful for all that you have and your blessings. Sometimes life teaches you a lesson to appreciate the things you took for granted and appreciate them even more when you regain them.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Your Dance...

" Respect yourself and others will follow the lead...
             Know yourself and others will know you,

             Love yourself and others will love you too..."


Win the hearts of people !

Your behaviour with others is a real reflection of your values and bringing up...People who cannot respect others do not actually respect themselves or are complexed. People who do not respect others and specially parents of others can never ever be truly respectful to theirs because if they really cared about their families and parents they would ensure that the same respect is accorded to others as well.

Many lack empathy and the basic manners as well as courtesy that actually completes an individual. It is easy to care about people close to you but the true test of the character of an individual lies in the way he or she treats others around them. In treatment of others is reflected your true nature... And what you do is learnt by the younger generation.If you teach them to love and respect people around them specially grandparents will they learn to respect you in the long run.

 It is is so important to value others specially senior citizens. I have been living in a small town where the community is so kind and giving to each other .This is what enriches one's life.   I often see most parents around here reminding their children to greet and thank others. Such parents are teaching their children to be courteous, kind and respectful to others which is so important. In our town senior citizens are valued and have an important place in the community. It is so important to teach good values and good manners to your children as they need to have a good foundation to become better human beings. It is our responsibility at home and in schools to give good values to our younger generation. Raise your children to be sensitive and caring...

Win people with love, empathy, warmth and kindness and in that lies the true essence of life ! 
