Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Life- A Unique Journey

 Life is many things...

Life is a gamble... Life is an adventure...

Most of all Life is a unique journey...

Life is a journey to yourself. It is a path to explore yourself and define yourself through your choices.

Life is a voyage to happiness and heartaches through which you express yourself. Your responses and reactions to the different experiences in the journey of life portray your thoughts and symbolize you as a person. Thus in time through the ups and downs of that journey do you begin to get acquainted with your strengths and deficiencies...some known and some unknown. Through the trials and tribulations , the journey teaches you deep and valuable lessons. You learn every day along the journey.

In the search for yourself do you discover your purpose along the course of your journey. Life gives but mostly takes as it asks for a price for everything. You receive what you invest in that journey along the way. There are returns for everything and through that Life does give you back yourself in the end...It explains what you gained in your loses and what you lost in your gains.

During the journey you play many roles and you experience different things...In the end you find yourself...          
