Sunday, May 24, 2015

Label of Hatred

What is strange and unknown to us may intimidate or alienate us in the beginning, but we have no right to be so judgemental and suspicious about it everytime. What is unknown to us may not be acceptable but it should not be rebuked or negatively commented on. Everyone has a different way of life, thought and dressing and that should be no cause to bully someone or threaten them. We have to accept each other with our differences and by no way hold some accountable for the actions of others. No two people are alike and no two communities are alike. Differences are bound to exist between people but that should not divide them. Just a bit of difference in our attitudes can change the world for the better.

Everybody has different cultures and faiths. The differences in cultures and faiths when intermingled make a beautiful painting in life. Just like the difference in day and night as well as summer and winter, people tend to be different too. Life would be dull and monotonous if everyone looked and behaved the same way. We should try not to judge someone through his nationality or community . As I always say there are good and bad people in each community or country and that should always be kept in mind before putting everyone on the other side under one label...the Label of Hatred.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Destruction of Women in the Battle between Men

Recently I have been watching a TV serial based on a love story amidst the partition of two countries and as always I couldn't help but think about the plight of women in such troubled and dangerous times. I wonder if such horrific events such as wars or riots really stem out of political or religious motives. I feel they are more motivated by lust for power and greed for dominance over another specially women. It takes a more personal tone...It is like as if the animal lying dormant in some men skilfully uses this time to unleash itself under the camouflage of religious or political ambitions to hunt for his prey. At times like that some men hide their really devious intentions towards women under the mask of fighting for a country or cause when actually they are just furthering their own twisted cause. Their greed for power over women consumes them completely and they start attacking women endlessly.Why are women always attacked the most and treated in the most inhuman manner in enmities and clashes between countries and communities ? I think that maybe some men use such crisis to further their own  interests. Such men mask their ugly intentions very carefully.

History stands witness to the fact that in wars, battles or riots women are targeted the most as a means of degrading , humiliating and demeaning the other side. A woman is supposed to be the honour and foundation of her home, country and community and anyone who wants to weaken that foundation axes the roots and therefore attacks the women the maximum on the opposite side. In the battle between men, it is the woman who suffers the most. In the battle between nations and communities we hear of unthinkable atrocities committed against women. In the battle between countries, it is the women who are destroyed, harmed and broken the most in bits and pieces that tear them apart forever and make the world lose faith in humanity. It is sad and heartbreaking that even today women are captured as some sort of prize in wars and taken as slaves. We should be ashamed that we cannot do much to change that. In that case how has advancement in thoughts and civilisation favoured us as a race when we are still stuck in the quicksand of barbaric traditions of war which defy every rule of humanity ?

Yet the same man in more peaceful moments may have gone down on his knees to plead that a woman accepts him as his partner. Then why does the animal in him surface in him in violent times ? Does it have to be because of environment, upbringing or social values ? It is commonly said that a man who respects his mother will respect other women. A man like that would never ever harm a woman in any way.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Paths of Life

Sometimes people or places leave you or you leave them and have to go forward alone from there. In reality nobody actually leaves anyone as it is just that the situation or circumstances that warrant it at that time or destiny carves your life in such a way. 

Destiny carves itself in a person's life most of the time. It may appear that it may be your choice entirely to abandon a place or person but somewhere that choice too is dictated by compulsion of circumstances or life's requirement to align things in a certain way.

At times you need to set out on a search for yourself where not everybody will be able to walk with you. But that does not mean that your ties with that place or person are lost forever. You can still always go back there from time to time to find yourself. Many a times it is alright to delve in the past to discover your strengths and weaknesses remind yourself about the mistakes and trials or tribulations in your life which will help you to embark on strange and new paths with more assurance to usher new changes in your life and combat any challenges that come with it.

New paths that take you to new destinations and people are a journey nobody can ever avoid. There are places and people waiting out there to embrace you and accept you just the way you are if you give them a chance to. Live life and live every moment with it !

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What's in a name ?

I often hear people say that, " What's in a name ? " . Perhaps it's their way of covering up their mistake by offering such a statement over their mistake in addressing you by a wrong name. What is most infuriating is that they refuse to call you by your given name despite your politely requesting them to do so. Many a times, I have encountered such a situation and those people refuse to accept calling you by your name as they don't even seem to find it remotely odd. Instead such people feel that whatever name they choose to call you and your given name are one and the same thing. I actually find that quite rude as well as insulting and I feel that such an attitude spells lack of sensitivity or lack of respect for the other person. After all the best way to acknowledge or greet people is by their names.

Also one should let the other person decide how he or she wants to be addressed by you and what they want to be called. One only allows close ones to call you by your nickname or use other terms of endearments. I always ask people how may I address them as not everyone gives the liberty to you to call them by their nicknames or first names. It is essential to let the other person invite you to address him or her by their nicknames.

 As an ex- Hotelier, it is ingrained in me to make it a point to address people by their names and making sure that I pronounce and spell names correctly. We were taught about the significance of addressing people correctly by their given names and titles as part of training. As a Guest Relations Officer, it was my duty to memorise guests' names, birthdays and preferences to add a more personal touch to their visits. After all everyone wants to be acknowledged  and be made to feel that you respect them enough to remember their names and pronounce them rightly. Moreover as an individual too I give huge importance to such things as part of etiquette. Once in a while everyone can forget names or not know the correct pronunciation of a certain name but what is important is that we apologise immediately and ensure that we correct such slip ups by asking the person directly about the correct pronunciation of that person's name.  Unintentional mistakes can happen but can always be corrected and the other person would appreciate your genuine effort in going to lengths to refer to him or her correctly.

In the work world or personal life, it is important to be sensitive about how you address people. It certainly enhances your image and leaves a good impression on others. What's in a name ? The answer is a name is everything...A name is an identity of a person and an introduction to others. A name is an introduction to the world about who you are...The right name is required in your passport or at work and then I wonder why is it not given so much of importance in personal life. People may say that " A name is just a name"  but I think without your name you will have no identity. Now that could be both advantageous or disadvantageous in many ways in today's world where you may be judged purely by your last name but we have to live with our names and be proud of it.

A name in a way defines you...You will be robbed of your own identity if you do not give importance to your name or expect the others to do the same. While it may be very romantic to hear as Juliet said that " What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet", I still feel that your name cannot be separated from you even if you separate yourself from it. Your name is sealed in your destiny and is binding on you for life. In Hinduism or Sikhism we feel that changing your name can alter your destiny...and that your name affects your personality in some ways.

There are two conflicting theories to it but as much as I agree that what matters is who you are and not what you are called or known as, I still give importance to a name. Most of us believe that God is one and yet we address God by different names as that is our way of believing that while God may be one, God has different forms. The world addresses Gods by different names as this is our way of forming a personal connection with God by having different terms of endearments. I feel in a similar sort of way, a name is your form too among many in this world as it forms you in a way...A name symbolises you.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wealth of Emotions vs Material Wealth

A woman has a wealth of emotions and affection to offer and as a home maker she contributes precious moments of her time to raising a family which is never really appreciated truly the way it should be . Material wealth has taken priority over wealth of emotions in relationships lately where a man appreciates a working woman more than a home maker and a woman now is forced to think that the only way she can buy freedom and earn respect is by earning. A lot of women are actually inclined to think that the man in her life will give her real importance when she contributes to his bank account as well as shares the role of bread winner of the family.

While there may be choices and truths involved in such lifestyles, somewhere these are robbing the real essence of relationships where material expectations have risen so high that it steals them of real happiness , trust, security and unconditional love. Somewhere the balance of relationships are getting affected by this change of roles from a home maker to a financially independent wife .

Material expectations are openly discussed very widely before marriages these days and thus this has become a very important matter to be addressed. But such matters are delicate and sometimes very harmful to the relationship in the initial days of marriage where the partners don't know each other that well and  may form rigid opinions about each other in the process. So people have to approach this subject of material expectations and responsibilities very sensibly and tactfully without offending or alienating the other.

It should be merely about choices and not compulsions where men demand women to earn and contribute in paying the bills. It should be about personal choice and letting a woman decide if she wants to work or not . A woman deserves financial independence if she wants to pursue such a life but if she wants to be a homemaker then that too should be accepted,respected and appreciated as well. As it is there are so many options these days for women to work from home as well if a situation demands it and if it becomes absolutely necessary for her to earn.

I believe in financial independence and paying for most of my things but like many other women I would definitely value a man who can provide for me and I will in no way feel threatened or insulted by it. If a man enjoys providing for a woman in a relationship, she should by no way feel that her identity is getting threatened or he is doing a favour to her. A woman after all has the right to be pampered and indulged after all that she gives of herself in different forms in various relationships of her life as a daughter, wife, sister and mother. A man can certainly afford to be generous enough in that respect to provide for her in every way specially as a husband if circumstances permit and a woman chooses to have it that way.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Period of Transition

A New Phase of Life

Beginnings and Endings

The journey of life's one phase to another phase is never easy. Many times it may not be accepted initially even though sometimes one is prepared for it. One knows that changes arrive at our doorsteps with new responsibilities, losses, partings or sacrifices in big or small sizes. And there comes a price with everything be it good or bad.

Beginnings and Endings carry a lot of emotions and changes that are good or bad. Some accept this change while some resist it but after all said and done and after a while , the new phase of life motivates or forces one to accept it finally. It becomes simple to embrace the change by arriving at a point where you genuinely come to terms with it. While the period of transition becomes all the more unacceptable, difficult and challenging when one refuses to befriend it. So one is left with just one choice... As I always state " Such is Life". As translated in Spanish language " Asi es la vida".

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

" In the mirror of relationship you see what you reflect...You see what you   are.

In a way you find yourself in the other person in a relationship. You get what you give. You receive what you offer. "


"Trust is like a piece of glass...once broken it cannot be ever fixed.  And even if you join back the pieces too the cracks will remind you of that damage.

Trust is as fragile as life. Once destroyed it can never be revived.

It is important to uphold and protect the trust people place in you. Once lost trust can never be recovered completely. "




Palace of Jodhpur 

Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur...A visit to remember long after !

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Leh, Ladakh

Picturesque view of Leh from Shanti Stupa...

Night view of  Leh captured by me from Shanti Stupa

A Historical Street- Kawasaki, Ise City

An Ancient Street in Japan

A historical street in Kawasaki , Mie- ken Japan

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Times in Leh

Ladakh Festival...Leh

Man in traditional Ladakhi costume 

Beautiful Times in Ladakh


I took this beautiful picture on my way to Pang Gong Tso Lake...The journey was quite adventurous but the  beautiful surroundings made up for all the tiredness. Really that place is truly Heaven on Earth !

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Darjeeling to Gangtok

Stopped @ a picturesque Tea Plantation en route to Sikkim ...from Darjeeling

Monday, June 9, 2014

Remembering our Braveheart Heroes- Courage under Fire

Remembering our Braveheart Heroes- Courage under Fire 

Yet another Braveheart lays down his life heroically to protect and defend the nation. May the soul of our brave hero rest in peace...My heart reaches out to their families whenever I hear of such tragic news. Many of you don't even know his name or how wonderful a person he was. Many of you don't know the grieving  family he has left behind in sacrificing his life for us or the everlasting memories he has left behind in the hearts of his men and officers he served with. He didn't have to die so young or he could have served the country more with his steel like valour and determination to defend the nation. So many thoughts like that cross our minds but what makes me more sad is when some don't give them their fair dues. 

Not many have such courage to lay down their lives for the Nation as life is very precious to all. All the more we should as a nation salute our brave hearts and honour them countrywide for serving the nation faithfully. He or she has earned this rightfully.We all have to do our bit in spreading an awareness regarding the work of our officers and soldiers specially serving in extreme climatic conditions and highly dangerous places. 

We must stand united in motivating people to recognize and value their sacrifices.There are so many nations who respect their Defence Forces and honour their men countrywide every year. The time has come when we should also do the same and recognize as well as appreciate the efforts of our Forces in protecting us or we will end up extinguishing the fire of patriotism in our soldiers. Why would men stand up to protect the nation when every time their contributions and sacrifices go unrecognised ? No they don't want anything in return as they are are selfless heroes as they feel more deeply about their country than most of us. But it is their right to earn the much deserved respect and honour of the people they protect. Moreover the families left behind have to be honoured even more for fighting a battle everyday in their memory.

Many nations honour their Armed Forces once a year and a day is marked as a national holiday when the entire country comes together in remembering their war heroes and honouring the ones serving in the forces as well. Countries like the U.K and U.S.A commit themselves to appreciate and recognize the sacrifices of their Forces.The government must bestow the same honour on our Defence Forces too and the media should contribute to this by continuously hi lighting the services of the Armed Forces and always the heroic sacrifice of a soldier and officer should be covered in the news.

We may celebrate the Armed Forces Day within the military and the government may honour some of our heroes on the Republic Day Parade. But just giving away medals or decorations isn't sufficient as we could give more meaning to their sacrifices only if we truly keep them in our hearts and remember them as often as we can. Our government has to be more supportive and appreciative towards the Forces and demonstrate the much needed sensitivity and empathy towards the work of the Armed Forces.

 They should organize more events to create more awareness amongst other citizens regarding all that the Defence Forces are doing for the Nation. More events need to be hosted by the government and corporate houses to raise money to support some of the families of the defence brave hearts even though the Armed Forces are quite self sufficient in providing the best for their people.

Such heroic sacrifices can never be forgotten !

As I always say that we all desire world peace as wars only result in loss of lives on both sides. But on the other hand we should be realistic enough to realize that much against everyone's prayers and wishes there are bound to be wars and conflicts because of the thought process of certain people or their thirst for power . In such threatening situations, we need our Defence Forces to protect us. In fact at such times they are called upon to defend us. We may not believe in attacking but we definitely need the Forces to retaliate powerfully to defend us in every way possible. So how can we not give them the importance they truly deserve and express great appreciation for their work in our everyday lives. 

It is the duty of our government to encourage people to respect the Armed Forces and not the other way around. It is also the duty of the government to ensure that the equipments, tanks, ships,planes and weapons provided to the Armed Forces to aid them in protecting us don't let them down. In the past we have seen a lot of cases where because of corruption some of the planes and ships purchased for the Forces were faulty and there have been accidents and crashes because of it. How can we as a nation forgive such people who have betrayed our Armed Forces when they have never let us down ever at times of internal or external threats and attacks. They gallantly fight for our respect and dignity  every time . The Armed Forces consider it their sole responsibility and purpose to protect us and keep us safe. The time has come that we honour them generously and express our gratitude to them for standing up to defend our nation. We must remind them as often as we can that we completely value their services.

I respect the Army as an institution and all that it stands for. I respect our Armed Forces for their discipline, values, traditions and valour. Jai Hind !
