Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Enjoy your slice of life !!!

Life is not served on a silver platter yet all get a generous helping of their share...It's just left to us to recognize what we have instead of wanting a bite of someone's life...As I was telling a friend the other day...one has to relish one's own slice of life...In doing that one must also resist what I call "emotional vampires" who derive strength from depriving you of your positive energy and robbing you of your self-esteem. I always remind myself and explain to others that such characters always want a slice of your life as they are not contented and happy with their own lives...These emotional vampires are actually very weak. So they try to get a sense of strength through controlling others... 
People who are truly happy and independent live and let others live. Being free is a source of happiness. All have a right to be free in their thoughts and the choices they make. It's a human right...But there will be lots of people in your life who may not allow you to grow and may actually stunt your growth. Watch out for such people !!! 

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