Sunday, April 15, 2012

Famous Sakes& Shochus introduced at a Sake event recently ...

Recently I was honoured to assist a delegation of Presidents and owners of Sake & Shochu Brewers in introducing exclusive sakes and shochus at Wasabi restaurant, Taj Mahal Hotel. It was really nice interpreting for them and getting introduced to sake brewing process.

Mr. Hideharu Ohta (Pres. DAISHICHI Brewery, Fukushima-established in 1752), Mr. Ryuichiro Masuda (Masuizumi Junmai Daiginjo), Mr. Sudo (Pres. Sudohonke) & Mr. Watanabe (Pres. Kyoya Shochu Distillery founded in 1834) introduced their best sakes and shochus in India at the hotel and the Japanese Embassy Matsuri (festival). It was a great honour and pleasure to meet them.
I am looking forward to learning more about sakes and sharing my knowledge with you in the coming days. So I have decided to have a separate section that will talk about sakes and how best we can absorb it in our daily lifestyle and cooking. My mother has been using sake in Indian cooking since the 80s when she published a book on healthy Indian cooking in Tokyo which catered to Japanese tastes. Inspired by her, I would like to share some tips to acquaint you with Sake so that you could welcome it in your house too. Sakes complement a lot of Indian dishes too.

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