Life may surprise you most of the times. Some of us love surprises as long as they are pleasant ones while some of us don't want any surprises at all. But obviously in life we have no choice in the matter .
We always hope to be pleasantly surprised but sometimes life offers us unpleasant surprises. Unpleasant surprises are unwanted as we are caught off balance and we don't know how to deal with them. But time helps us to find the hidden strength in us to meet the challenges and cope with the unpleasantness. When there is no way out the only way we know then is to find a way to battle the unpleasant circumstances and come out of it somehow...It may take long but we manage to survive many bitter moments and this is a sign of living. Life forces and teaches us how to survive as long as we are breathing...
We often may possess reserves of inner strength and courage and we may not be aware of it till time makes it's move. In problems and in crisis do we come in contact with our true self. In the most difficult times, gradually time prepares us to finally accept things the way they are even if we keep resisting or expressing opposition to the turn of events and bad circumstances.I have always noticed that when the storm of shock,denial and tears have passed, then comes acceptance...That is how nature tunes us I guess. There will be times when your heart will be heavy with pain and bitterness about how life may have treated you, yet somewhere with it comes acceptance of those events too. In time we learn to accept things we cannot change...
The best known first two verses of Serenity Prayer state- " God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can and the
Wisdom to know the difference. "
We always hope to be pleasantly surprised but sometimes life offers us unpleasant surprises. Unpleasant surprises are unwanted as we are caught off balance and we don't know how to deal with them. But time helps us to find the hidden strength in us to meet the challenges and cope with the unpleasantness. When there is no way out the only way we know then is to find a way to battle the unpleasant circumstances and come out of it somehow...It may take long but we manage to survive many bitter moments and this is a sign of living. Life forces and teaches us how to survive as long as we are breathing...
We often may possess reserves of inner strength and courage and we may not be aware of it till time makes it's move. In problems and in crisis do we come in contact with our true self. In the most difficult times, gradually time prepares us to finally accept things the way they are even if we keep resisting or expressing opposition to the turn of events and bad circumstances.I have always noticed that when the storm of shock,denial and tears have passed, then comes acceptance...That is how nature tunes us I guess. There will be times when your heart will be heavy with pain and bitterness about how life may have treated you, yet somewhere with it comes acceptance of those events too. In time we learn to accept things we cannot change...
The best known first two verses of Serenity Prayer state- " God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can and the
Wisdom to know the difference. "