Monday, June 26, 2017

This too shall pass ! Tomorrow is another day ! These are golden words for all who are going through phases of transition or phases of sadness in their lives. It is true that each moment is another moment...And nothing remains forever...

There is a season for everything. Time has seasons too...There is a season for happiness and there is a season for sadness. Time is constantly changing ! So however many roadblocks, problems and challenges you may face in your everyday lives at home or away from home they can be overcome in time through patience, belief and hope.  Nothing lasts forever.

 There will be lots of moments of sadness and difficulty in your lives but remain as determined as ever  and hopeful of embracing better moments in times to come. When you do not find answers to all that you are questioning or searching in life, life answers them for you through it's decisions in it's own time. In due course of time you will find the purpose of your life visible. Fate is stronger than your wants and dreams most times. And you just have no choice but to accept what comes your way ! Life has it's own wants from you and if you truly fulfill your destiny by accepting what is meant to be , you will find peace and happiness. But you would say to yourself that all this is easier said than done. Who says it would be easy !? But belief works miracles and your belief and determination to succeed in battling all the difficulties in your life may bring you much closer to your destination. What cannot  kill you will  not destroy you...

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