Wednesday, August 8, 2018

In life you win some battles and lose some...Sometimes to win a war you have to loose battles. If you are at a place where you feel everything is lost or you are lost to everything- Breathe ! Pause ! Think !
This may not be your time. But the time will definitely change some day ! You just have to wait a little or wait more but things never remain the same as that is the law of life...But do not let the situation or person get the better of you. Keep standing firm. Or even if you fall, stand back again ! Be adamant about not giving up even though you are allowed to lament a little while savouring a bucket of  your favorite ice- cream !

You may feel that you are losing in life but actually you are a winner if you keep on at it to live life and answer life with a smile however sarcastic. Let people know you are here to stay whatever they may bring your way. Take a break or hibernate as long as you want but get back on the saddle of life as that's the only choice you have. This is what is called truly living your life- to lose but have a winning attitude to recover all that you have lost material or personal through preserving precious moments in the present  and honouring them.

But times change as my brother believes too. If problems come together, they end too either together or one at a time.If things seem entangled , know that it may require some patience and time to disentangle it. We get so caught up and stuck in the webs of life that sometimes we have to even wait for fate to free us from it as we are not able to. There is choice but to persevere. Be a warrior and fight the difficulties and problems throws your way ! The only choice you have is to face your problems with determination and courage. If you run away from your problems, they will only catch you. You just have to deal with them however intimidating.

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