Thursday, September 20, 2018

Love the moment

Live life as if there is not another day ! We hear that so often but we forget that and miss out on life in the daily demands of our routine...
Live life as if today is the only day you have ! We often need to think like that to cherish the precious moments of life and interactions with people. Just be content living in the moment because that moment will be lost to you forever. Find joy in simple things be it in nature or weather. Find contentment in simple habits like having tea or visiting the library.
Appreciate every moment !

A beautiful day to remember in Yountville

Autumn leaves-An attractive contrast to the cloudy sky

The Town of Yountville - A town so picturesque and serene

The different shades of a town...

A night of riddles

Life sure is a riddle...
Sometimes in gains do we find losses and in losses do we find gains...It seems that gains and losses are closely related as if two sides of a coin. Actually these are the two opposite laws of nature.
Life is a series of losses and gains...
One leads to another as if a person is riding a merry-go-round. Nothing is constant and everything changes...
Some may think that I find delight in writing a lot about life and how I enjoy playing around with words to search the answers to the puzzle of life. But through these words do I find answers and through these words do I discover the hidden meaning of life. Through these words do I find solace and through these words do I find peace. Defining my thoughts in words and learning from others' words of wisdom do I get closer to life.
We all have the right to seek the truth of life and we all can find the answers to life in our own way sometime or the other. Words are comforting and so write or read daily to unveil the answers and purpose of your life...
Words are powerful and thus meaningful and effective when translated by your thoughts wisely. And so through words do I interpret life in many ways in various situations.
The meaning of life is not discovered through masking your thoughts but by revealing them in words that people could share and be inspired from in deep ways.
It is an entertaining night of riddles and questions and words are keeping me company. I hope that some of you who are reading this may write some words of your own too to translate your feelings about any given situation in life and therefore approach the puzzle of life in this interesting way to arrive at some deep answer if not a suitable answer. But it is definite it would make you feel light and satisfied to have this conversation with yourself  in the shape of written words. You could read a book as well too pertaining to the subject in your life 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Such is life !

Life takes fees for lessons learnt as it's lessons never come free. But then Asi Es la Vida !
Such is life !
There is always a price to pay for everything. We actually consider the gains and losses in all the choices we make in life because our choices determine the paths we undertake. And our journeys in life shape us and define us. Hence life is a huge investment ! There is a price to pay in all that we invest in our decisions and relationships.
Life is conditional and so it can never give freely. It will always take something from you while giving. And yet life is giving too. It will always give you back something in return when it takes something from you. So what is life and where is life ? Is life in the choices we make or is life in the sacrifices we make ? Do you find the truth of life in all that we lose or in all that we gain ? The answer lies within you and is different for everyone.
Life is truly a riddle...a riddle that many have tried to solve and many have embraced. Some have escaped the truth of life in many ways and some have accepted it. Such is life !
Life romances everybody differently. It gives hope to some and disappointment to others. The beauty of life can be found in success but even in struggle. It is always there around us and within us. Life always seeks us even if we think we are ignoring it. That is why life makes it's own decisions when we run away from it or take it for granted.
