There is nothing lost if one does not clear an interview or a test as there is always a chance to do well next time. One cannot change the result but one can move forward from it and work harder to do better another time. In fact one learns from one's mistakes and experiences. This is what I believe and tell those who lose heart in not having made it at an interview or exam. That is not the end of the world ! There are always other chances. Keep trying ! You have lost the day you give up ! So never lose your heart. Even the most successful people have had a journey of challenges and rejections before they succeeded in what they were pursuing. So draw strength from that and try again and again till you achieve what you hope for ! Think not what you have lost but think what you have gained !
One always carries something back from an interview or a test in terms of learning something new and an inspiration to learn more. I feel one should appear for as many tests and interviews as one can to learn about different subjects and fields. Such experiences and interactions only enhance your knowledge and increase your awareness.
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