Thursday, January 2, 2020


Happiness is a choice...

Happiness is a choice you make to enhance your life and surround it with positivity. And I try my best to make that choice everyday. You can choose to be happy and contented by finding joy in simple things.

Simple things like listening to music, singing aloud, dancing, cooking, nature walks, reading,  interactions with people specially babies or simply enjoying a cup of piping hot chocolate with marshmallow floating in it as I am doing right now as I write can bring such joy and surround you with serenity.

We have forgotten to notice small things in our day to day lives as the world has become so fast paced and demanding. And so all the more we have to set aside some alone time however short it may be to spend with oneself to enjoy and do all the things that we like.

Life may continue to be moody and life may continue to challenge you but it cannot crush you or defeat you unless you allow it to. Let life do what it is known for. Let life be unpredictable and ruthless...But you should not be hard on yourself. Give yourself a break to feel nice and give yourself some time to do things that you enjoy doing to feel good about yourself and everything ! Your living room could be a fancy restaurant or your living room could be a karaoke place. What I mean is that you don't have to really spend money to be happy. You can have what you want or where you want to be where you are by just creating that mood. In such things one can really take inspiration from kids as to how contented they are and how they create a beautiful world of their own with their innocence and belief. One can also be inspired by actors as to how they immerse themselves in the role they are portraying to make it look real. In the sense fake it till you make it...Even if you are not happy fake it till you believe it and you will actually start becoming happy gradually in due course of time. In other words on those not so good days pretend to be happy if you have to just so that gradually you ease into the role of being happy. As someone important once told me that gradually you ease into everything however unknown and strange it may seem at first. But it definitely takes some time and work.

You can be who you want to be ! You can be who you would like to be ! You can go places and you can go to places !  It is just a matter of time.  You just have to give it time...At the end of it, it is your choices for yourself that matters the most...You have to be fair on yourself and treat yourself right. You have to be there for yourself when others aren't. Rely on yourself and believe in hope and your strengths. Don't let life wear you down.

Life may give you enough reasons to be unhappy. Life may try you and test you but do not let it get to you. You hold the hold the power to overcome anything. You hold the power to heal yourself . You have the choice to heal yourself however broken you may be even though that could take long and may not be easy. But still you can do all these things for yourself instead of giving in to being bullied by circumstances and situations in life. As I always believe that when the going gets tough the tough get going !

There will be heartbreaks, disappointments and losses. Life will not treat you royally all the time. But you must take care of yourself through those rough and difficult times when all is lost instead of giving up. Feel and process your emotions however deep...cry if you feel like but don't give up. It was very sad to read about some celebrities tragically ending their lives as they could not handle the pressures and burdens of lives . I wonder what could have brought them to that edge of life's cliff...Unfortunately at that time for some odd reason this may have appeared to be the only choice for them but this is definitely not the right choice at all ! Tragically such lives ended because of wrong reasons taken under pressure. It is sad that those wonderful lives could not be saved and they crumbled under the weight of their problems . It is so tragic to hear that often lives are threatened as they cannot bear the harsh expectations of society . But always remember that famous line "Tomorrow is another Day ! ".  Live to try again ! Live to fight another battle of life however hard it may be. Your life is very precious ! One always has a choice to start over, to turn over...Even in your difficulties and troubles save a smile or two for yourself and others ! One has a choice to be happy if one actually pursues it and tries to believe in it ... You just have to work at it and continuously motivate yourself to feel positive.

Nobody can save you but you ! Know that power is within you and you will have the strength to survive and persevere...Your determination to continue walking in the face of difficulties and challenges should not fade at all...Your determination to maintain your balance in the storm of trials and tribulations should not waver...  

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