Monday, November 2, 2020

Bullying has to stop ! No more bullying !


NHK is doing a good job in supporting the cause of "anti-bullying" by covering  short real life stories  in between their programs. They show short stories of people from all around the world who have actually experienced bullying and narrate what they went through or how deeply it affected them . At the same time these people also inform how they addressed the issue of bullying and how that changed their lives for the better. 

Bullying at schools, colleges or work is unacceptable. In fact bullying in any environment or relationship should not be accepted at all ! One has no right to mistreat or humiliate another ! 

As a student, teacher and later as a manager in a work environment, I always ensured that nobody was being bullied. Bullying at work can create a very hostile environment too. I always motivated my students and later work team to be sensitive, considerate and empathetic at all times through long discussions and giving examples . Bullying someone can destroy that person's life in more ways you can imagine. Bullying someone can break that person beyond repair at times. It can have such a long lasting and deep rooted negative impact on the person who is on the receiving end. It can powerfully affect a person's personality and performance. That is why it is absolutely important to protect and stand up for people who are being bullied. 

There are different forms and methods of bullying that an individual or group of people can adopt. An individual or a group of people can bully someone and target that person constantly. They can bully someone because of their race and how they dress too at work as well. I feel that most bullies are people who are actually complexed and insecure about themselves and that is why they derive such sadistic pleasure, power and confidence through intimidating others. In a way in being intimidated by others do they intimidate others if that makes some sense. It is important to explore why bullies are the way they are to be able to effectively change them into better versions of themselves. I used to have long one on one discussions with students who would bully other students just to study the root cause of such behaviour in order to deal with it effectively so that they won't ever repeat it. And that somehow worked wonderfully and I would see visible positive changes in them thereafter and change of behaviour for the better.       

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