Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Valuable Teachings of a Balinese Prince


It is always so wonderful to meet people from different cultural backgrounds and cultural identities since one learns so much more through such interactions. Such interactions enhance one's interpretation of other cultures and fills in the blanks for those parts of other cultures that are invisible or unknown to you. In the present times of the pandemic, there may not be all that many opportunities entirely to be as socially active as before or attend cultural and social interaction events for that matter. But needless to say that one could still have access to knowledge and learning of new cultures through books, television and online resources. Everyday I take the time to watch programs, shows or documentaries on You Tube or TV about various cultural traditions and ceremonies.  I thoroughly enjoy watching such programs specially on KQED,,PBS and NHK here in America. 

On one such day, while watching one cultural wedding ceremony after the other on You Tube did I come across an interview with the Balinese Prince Tjok Gde Kerthyasa in the "Get Lost Education" video. I am so glad that I was introduced to his talks through You Tube. The talk was very interesting and naturally captured my attention completely particularly because I was able to relate to it so much.

 Both as an Indian and an individual I could really connect with his thoughts and beliefs at all levels. As evident from my blog, I also give importance to cultures and spirituality. Thereafter I watched another of his talks and I will be writing more articles on him based on my interpretations of his talks. Not only do I believe in homeopathy, naturopathy and herbal medicines but like him I also have experience of a teacher and an ex-Hotelier. So naturally many of my experiences have been somewhat similar. Hinduism is our common connection too. And like he said India too celebrates natural therapy.  

I too have experienced a few months at a school where the classroom environment may be described as somewhat similar to that of Green School and I shall be talking about that another time. The Green School environment in Bali also somewhat reminds me of the "Gurukuls" in ancient India. Perhaps we too can find the lost education of the Gurukul system or restore some parts of it in it's truest form to prepare the students for real life and keep them connected with their traditions.         

Hearing the conversation with the Prince of Bali on " Get Lost Education" left quite a lasting impression on me and I thought I must write about it and introduce others who have not had the opportunity as yet to listen to his talks. He talks very well and his talks give a much needed direction and purpose in these times to achieve that balance in life and to live in unison with nature. He has his own website which basically means healing waters or healing with water since he uses holy spring water to make medicine. The website is-

 www.tirtausada.com  (healing waters) Holy water spring to make medicines

Tjok De Kerthyasa belongs to two different cultures and in my opinion that is the reason he attaches a profound meaning to cultures as such and appears to have a keen interest in drawing similarities between different cultures. He has a deep appreciation and understanding of other cultures and it is visible that he enjoys sharing his knowledge with people through his talks. I love doing that as well as a cross-cultural consultant and teacher.  I like sharing ideas and knowledge with people through my blog. I may not be from two different cultures but I come from a family that has a place for different religions. So I have always been more tolerant of other religions and cultures. Being brought up in two different religions teaches me to be very culturally sensitive. As always I manage to find some connections or similarities amidst differences of cultures and differences of religions. As a cross- cultural consultant, I find it delightful to bring people together despite their differences and bridge the distance between them. And if at all possible , there is nothing better than aligning people through their traditional or cultural connection with nature and shared interests too.      

 I feel that Prince Tjok Gde has found deep contentment and peace in living his traditions which is deeply rooted in history. I am rather envious of that because he has been fortunate enough to follow the life path that he believes in and that too in one of the countries he is connected with by birth. Many times many of us get far away from the traditional path we desire and go on a path life chooses for us in faraway countries. As much as we may be closely tied with our traditions and beliefs, we get lost in a completely different world being away from our countries in an attempt to adapt well to our new surroundings. But sooner or later it is so important to keep in touch with yourself through your age old traditions. Through his talks somehow I could renew my relationship with me and reconnect with the much loved traditions of my country too.   

He came across as a very down to earth person and somebody who is sensitive to everybody and everything around him.  His mentioning about the traumatic effect of his immigration experience in his childhood days as well as an impression left by a Harry Potter movie to prompt him to take up naturopathy makes it so relatable to any common person. I feel that being fortunate enough to experience and be a part of two different cultures has instilled in him more acceptance, sensitivity and appreciations of other cultures. I think that people with two cultural identities tend to take the best of both the cultures forward to carry forward a much more positive approach to the way of life. The holistic approach and deep acquaintance with nature is so refreshing to see in a person of his stature. He mentions Ayurveda and organic farming which too interest me a lot as that has been a part of my life . Ayurveda has it's roots in India and till date we follow that. Having worked in the Hotel Industry in Napa, I was more closely introduced to the "farm to table" ingredients in cooking by the famous chefs. 

In India too we follow homeopathy and use herbal medicines which may take time to cure but actually cure effectively. Body healing techniques through breathing methods is a part of my culture too through yoga. My mother and grandmothers have great knowledge of nutritional foods and that too that hold compatibility with different seasons. That's why I find it so important to find herbal cures in my kitchen and in certain foods. And so I find it all the more fascinating to follow his lectures. I have faith in natural medicine though there comes a time when one has to take stronger medicines in one's consultation with a Dr. specially relating to surgery or a life threatening disease. Basically it's a call for the need of the hour. But still I still rely on alternative treatment side by side particularly because it has no side effects and I openly discuss it with my American Dr. But at the end of the day it comes down to our individual experiences and perceptions as he conveys. 

I think Tjok Gde could closely observe two cultures very well while growing up and draw his own inferences based on his experiences which fortunately resulted in positive ones. He rightly says that humans have right to take care of their health ! Healing one self is important !  He says that curing is okay but the highest calling is to teach people to heal themselves. Now those are such wise words ! It is really essential to heal from the inside out to cure oneself completely and effectively. He says that nothing is more valuable than health. We can take care of family only if we are healthy. I totally agree to that and always believe Health is Wealth. You can achieve all that you want only if you have good health. He is also right in saying that it is in our power to maintain or destroy our health. My parents advocate that too and with age I have come to realize that. Like him I am a firm believer that our choices have a powerful impact on our lives. According to me, we are what we create of ourselves and we become what we choose to be. So think wisely and choose wisely ! 

Anyone who listens to his talks would be much motivated to explore the world of possibilities he offers through his teachings and ideas that are aligned with Nature which could be adhered to for a happy and healthy life. His messages to the world which are beautiful, meaningful and ever inspiring are as follows in short- 

Important to regain your traditional path if you are lost in two worlds!

Be courageous, move to commitment...then we have consciousness...

Have courage and dare to know.. know by itself. 

Embrace Nature !

[ I write spontaneously as I write from the heart. And it is edited much later as and when I want to add more. Some of his messages might not be written word to word but they convey the same meaning. It is worth listening to his talks. ]  


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