Sunday, December 11, 2016

Downtown San Francisco

Car tour of Downtown San Francisco on a rainy day

A new beginning with California

My affair with California has just of now too little to say and too much to hope for. There are lots of pages to be read to know the city well and lots of experiences to gather which hopefully would capture my heart endlessly. My first sweet heart would always be Chicago though but many a times the last matters more than the first. So I am hoping that the Bay Area would have that everlasting and meaningful effect on me and carve that permanent soft spot in my heart !
Life introduced me to San Francisco and the Bay Area a long while ago only to be interrupted by a long absence that fate planned for me only to return again after long years to start where I left off last time. So the story with the Bay Area resumed after a long gap. In the past, I did not have enough time to discover the place for all that it has to offer me. But now I hope that in time the beauty of the city and it's attractive culture as well as way of life would mesmerise me. It remains to be seen if it's magic would affect my life greatly too.
As I was saying to a friend, a new city and a new surrounding has so much to offer and a great cultural adventure is definitely in store for me I believe. But with new beginnings come great challenges as well which would have to be met with. Through it all, I rely on the strength within me to accept a new city with all that it is and with all that it comes. One has to accept a new city in every way possible to make one's moments the most memorable ones. I am told that I must give the Bay Area a fair chance and so I will ! I am yet exploring the places in the Bay Area to decide if this is the destination for me and where I would eventually like to settle but my heart asks if it would really be the Bay Area for me. The Bay Area has always been the most popular choice and the first choice of many.
The Bay Area is crowned with natural beauty and cultural diversity. The jewel in the crown is it's ability to warmly accept various cultures and religions which makes it all the more fascinating for all to give it a try and start their journey here in America or retire here in the end. It is a great place to raise a family as everyone keeps saying. I am often told that I would fall hopelessly in love with the place. Definitely I should hope so but my affair with the city had just begun...And as is the case in every new relationship, I take every step with caution even if I am enthralled by it's beauty. As I stood across a hill there looking at the clouds descend on the opposite hill and the skies embracing the pastel shades of the evening, I wondered what my relationship would be with this city in times to come. Would it be a deep one or just a fleeting interaction on my journey to another place ? Whatever it may be, I decided to really enjoy that moment that day sometime last week reflecting on all that I had seen of this place as of then.
I visited the all famous and historical University of Berkeley which was alive with so much positive energy, talent and excitement. It was absolutely marvellous to visit the Bay Street in Emeryville for shopping at this time of the season particularly. There is this gigantic Christmas tree already there adorned with glittering decorations as it seems to beckon people to hear beautiful hymns. I just loved this musical Christmas tree at Bay Street even though I had seen much more beautiful ones in Chicago's White Christmas. On many a sunny days, I enjoyed the quietness and peace of the Bay street lined up with fashionable stores and restaurants on both sides. The street hosts various fine restaurants of different types of cuisines. I fondly remember my visit to Walnut Creek too and I loved the atmosphere there and enjoyed window shopping there. Needless to be said that the Silicon Valley area is also a source of curiosity to many and I too went there. Again Fourth Street is another beautiful and fashionable place to visit. Downtown San Francisco was great too and the China town there. In the coming days Napa Valley is on my list as well as Monterey Bay.
I have visited many famous Mexican, Indian, Italian, Chinese and Japanese restaurants and would be talking about them. What I like about the Bay Area is that the emphasis is on using local and organic ingredients in cooking at homes and restaurants.
My cultural and sightseeing adventure has just started and more is yet to come ! As of now I am sharing my initial notes of this lifetime trip.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Picture Perfect !

A beautifully and artistically designed wall that was chosen as a background for a Christmas Tree...

On my recent visit to one of the famous buildings in downtown San Francisco, I couldn't help admiring the beautiful interiors that so matched the Christmas tree standing there. Some beautiful images like this capture your heart instantly and you want to sit there for a while to admire it as it makes you feel so good.

A picture of festivity in the lobby of an office building in downtown San Francisco by Simrit Kapila

Downtown San Francisco in the night

A game of Catch me if you can with Dreams

It is good to dream ! It is good to pursue your dream or ambition but not at the cost of losing yourself entirely and completey in your quest to attain or achieve it. The path to pursue your dreams may involve great forms of sacrifices but nothing is worth it if it means giving up living day to day. Each day is precious  ! And we must not forget that there could be no tomorrow and so every single day should be lived to it's fullest. The saying stands true that live each day as if it may be the last day in your life...Live your life as if there is no tomorrow. Do not let the future steal your present and all that you want now. Sometimes the price you pay for what you want in the future may take it's toll on your present way too much and may mean giving up all that makes you happy.
Dreams and Ambitions tend to play a game of "Catch me if you can" and in the want to win that game you may be endlessly staking everything in your life that you may lose in your life forever and never recover. Definitely pursue and go behind all that your hope to have with all that you have inside you but definitely not in a way that may involve leaving behind all that you already have in favour of all that you might have or not ! While it is true that dreams come true when you believe in them and work towards making them a reality, it also holds true that draw your boundaries somewhere and let your dreams find you too after that if so it is willed. Happiness is wanting all that you have instead of having all that you want...Sometimes you may be living your dream but you may not realise it now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

San Francisco

Emeryville California

Christmas tree at Bay Street 
Bay Street is a very beautiful street lined with the most fashionable and interesting shops. There are many fine restaurants too. I particularly like Pizza My Heart out there. Various cuisines like Italian, Mexican and Chinese are available there.  Barnes and Nobles is a bookshop you would love to visit when there and it houses a cafe as well.

There is a small enclosure where a Christmas tree stands tall and proud at this time of the year as it greets people with hymns. I just loved spending time there on my recent visit ! The entire atmosphere is most festive at this time of the year from Thanksgiving to Christmas. There are lots of benches and one can relax there and bask in the sun in good weather. The Bay Street even offers free Wifi connection to it's visitors. One can spend the entire day there and not get bored at all. My mother highly recommended this street to me when I was there recently and I was so delighted to experience an entire day out there on 2-3 occasions.

The street also includes AMC Theatres if you are in a mood for some entertainment. There are stores like Apple Store, Athleta, GAP, Bannana Republic , Forever 21, H&M, Uniqlo, Old Navy, Aldo, Aerosoles Bath & Body Works, Body Shop etc. There are great furniture stores like EQ3 Furniture and Accents. My favourites are West Elm and Sees Candies. Do taste the chocolates before purchase at Sees Candies !

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Thought of the Day

Life  is all about the choices you make and the chances you take...Your decisions good or bad would give a definition to your life. They will shape your life and will stay with you forever in the form of memories. Your choices will give a direction to your life and lead you to a path that will ultimately define your life's journey in so many ways.
Think carefully and wisely before you make any decisions and ask yourself if you can stand true to your choices or if you have the courage and strength to alter your path from the choices that prove to be bad ones which take you on an endless path of unpleasant experiences. Your choices will represent your journey in life and will affect your life in great and deep ways. And as it is believed , what is most important is to enjoy the journey...
Make your own choices if possible and do not let people make them for you all the time as is the case in many cultures. People can advise you but the last choice has to be yours. Your choices may let you down at times but what matters is that you took a chance on your own to grow in life and as it is it is always easier to accept the responsibility of your own choices than the ones made by others. With responsibility comes maturity. In making your own choices and decisions you grow as an individual. Every moment lived is a lesson learned and every choice is an experience earned...There is a price to be paid with each choice...So think twice before making a choice !


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Life, Transition & Growth

Life is about moving forward...As we all know it is about moving forward to new places, new possibilities and new phases. Life is all about moving forward to include new people and invite new experiences. Yet the first step towards moving forward may be very difficult for some as it may mean leaving behind those people and places that matter to you the most in search of a new chapter in your life.  In life , sometimes in moving forward you also pay a price too deep to consider yet the norm in life is to keep going forward or moving forward.

There are no rewinds and retakes in life. Life is all about growth but at times in the process of that growth one is required to  leave behind many precious moments, opportunities and possibilities in your past or present to reach a new place. The moments you leave behind and the separation from the people who cannot accompany you on your new journey is always most difficult and yet it has to be dealt with because that is life and it demands you to accept all the changes and transformations it sends your way. You can crib and complain all you want but in the end you have to give in to it to go places instead of standing in one place forever. But changes bring with them new opportunities too.

For some life alters itself to fit their choices as well as plans and allows them to take with them all those whom they want or require around them on their new path but for others it asks a price which is to sacrifice all they have and leave with just memories. But sooner or later everyone has to embrace a path that they may not accept readily at first but have to take anyway as life is constantly changing for everyone everyday. Some journeys have to be made...Bridges and seas have to be crossed for new beginnings.

What life can never ever steal from you are your beautiful  memories. You can take those  memories with you in your heart wherever you want to and even to distant places or new eras of your life. These memories deep and strong will help you in times alone and motivate you eventually to make the most of the journey ahead of you by becoming your inspiration and strength. Changes and times of transitions are never easy and yet we all have to go through them one way or another with either smiles or tears. This is living ! Such is life...Asi Es La Vida !

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Hallmark of India- Unity in Diversity

In India intermingling of various religions, traditions and customs create a beautifully unique picture of a real way of life. It may represent a state of complexity to others because giving everybody the Right to Religious Freedom may invite clash of personalities , interests and conflicting ideas. A nation having diverse faiths and cultures may not appeal to some as it may represent a state of chaos. But to us it represents a  complete picture of a perfect world which is to stand united even with our differences and appreciating as well as embracing each other with all our strengths and weaknesses. In a country like this , one learns to be more religiously tolerant and culturally sensitive than others which is so required in a world of today which is becoming so divided because of faith and religion.

 We may have our share of problems as each religion has a strong identity and roots in our land which gives them strong expressions. But despite our differences we stay together whatever may come our way. We may have conflicts from time to time with each other as naturally happens in a big family but we also become each other's strengths when our country is attacked and make up for each other's limitations. We are living in the true sense as a family...a family that fights and disagrees and yet stays together anyway.

I say that just as opposites attract , we with our different faiths, customs and cultures are in fact each others' better halves in a way as we complete what the other lacks and make up for each others' limitations which makes us complement each other in the true sense. Recently someone commented that how can everyone in India come together as One to stand united when we do not follow each other' customs ,beliefs and way of life. But my take on that subject is that we can  be as different as possible and still appreciate and respect each other all the way. We do not need to become like one another to go the same way. 

We can retain our own identities and individualities and yet be with each other all the way. The secret is just to appreciate, respect and subscribe to each other's way of life when we interact without actually giving up one's own way of life or strictly following one particular way of life. This is the beauty of democracy and secularism. The hallmark of India is Unity in Diversity ! India is heading towards a global power status because like the United States of America it draws on the rich traditions, skills and intellect of diverse faiths and diverse backgrounds of citizens.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Japan Exchange Teaching Programme

Japan Exchange Teaching Programme ( JET) 

 Once a JET, a JET forever... We are celebrating 30years of Japan Exchange Teaching Programme.  JETs worldwide are expressing their gratitude on the JET Arigato Campaign Page . I feel deeply honoured to have represented my country as a cultural ambassador on JET. And it is my pleasure and honour to express my gratitude through the JET Arigato Campaign. 

Great sentiment was attached to my selection as JET because it meant a lifetime achievement for me to go back and renew my four years of childhood roots in Japan resulting in a lifelong attachment to the Japanese people and their culture. 

JET gave me a newfound identity, fame and recognition in Japan as well as in the Japanese community back home. I am what I am in my life today because of JET. 

Being assigned to Ise was an added reward. In my own time I could go there and be in communion with the holy, serene and beautiful surroundings of the Grand Ise-shrine.

JET gave me an opportunity to teach as well as enjoy cultural interactions which was a very rewarding experience. It gave me a chance to represent my country in a way that I had always wanted as well as bridge the psychological and cultural differences between people by introducing them to the similarities of their cultures.

 Arigatou gozaimashita JET ! Kokoro kara kansha shite orimasu.

 SIMRIT KAPILA ( INDIA) Misino Mura, Ise-Shi 2001-2003
ALT Junior High School/ELM. School & Board of Education Office

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Life , You & I

Life has it's moods...Life has it's seasons...Life decides what to throw our way eventually even though we may feel that we control the events of our lives and work towards it accordingly. As much as we may like to believe in making things happen on our own, life has it's own plans for us. How we react or adapt to those decisions of life is totally in our control though.
Life can be good or bad and sometimes a combination of both...Life can surprise us pleasantly or unpleasantly. We have no choice but to accept the unfavourable verdicts of life in the best possible way we can and meet them with all the strength reserved in us and generous amount of patience.
What is important is to live with renewed hope and fresh dreams everyday even though the end decision lies with life. What is essential is to live life as positively as possible despite the occasional disappointments, roadblocks, heartbreaks and pain. We cannot control the results but we sure can put our best into all our moments everyday to enjoy the journey without worrying about how it all will turn up.
 The ending is not ours to decide but the journey is what we make of it. As they say, live like you have never lived before every day to make it the most memorable and maybe then life too may be motivated to give you what you hope for because positive actions do invite positive outcomes according to Law of Atrraction.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016



A beautiful door in a part of Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhour- By Simrit


Leh- By Simrit


Spain in Japan

Carmen Hall in Spain Mura, Mie- Ken - By Simrit

This is one place you should consider going to  if you want to witness a mesmerising performance of Flamenco dance in Mie- ken Japan. I loved visiting Spain Mura ( Village ) when I was living in Ise-shi. One feels as if one is in Spain !


An afternoon in Shimla

Monday, May 9, 2016


A famous tofu restaurant...Ise, Kawasaki - By Simrit


A  glimpse of the lovely interior of The Grand Dragon Hotel


Another view of Pangong-Tso Lake - By Simrit

Moments well lived

Life should be lived in such a way that it is completely abundant with beautiful memories and the warmth of relationships. Life should be abundant with memories of all moments well lived and not just moments meant to be lived only for the sake of living...

There is one life and sometimes we take it so much for granted that we don't realise how special every moment is as each moment is one moment too which is lived just once. Life may be bitter and sweet for some or mostly bitter and even mostly sweet for others but what really matters is that each moment is considered as valuable as every moment in one short journey and each moment is greeted with gratitude in happy times and some amount of acceptance in tragic times. Maybe that thought would make the journey of living worthwhile.

We just have to remember that each moment gives way to another and each moment is different from the other as nothing lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever be it happiness, sadness, contentment, peace or pain. But what lasts forever is your willingness to try to make every day as best as possible and your thought on how you face and deal with each moment that life sends your way.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Golden Temple Amritsar

The way to pray-Devotees at the Golden Temple
The " Pehredar"- Guard & Protector of the Temple

Definition of Travel...What is it to You ?

Travel holds a different definition for everyone. Travel involves visiting new places and learning about other cultures, customs and traditions through that journey. It enhances your knowledge about other places and introduces you to a new way of life. But travel to me also means exploring oneself and the discovery of your strengths and weaknesses in the process. Travel gives you a new understanding of yourself in the way you adapt to another culture or a new surrounding. It introduces you to a side of you that you forget in the daily chores of life or a side you did not know existed in you.

Travel is adventure and learning...Travel is great times and enjoyment.  Travel is also rough times as well as dealing with all that comes with it to the best of your abilities. It makes you grow as a person and revitalises you to deal with everything that awaits you in your life back home with a newfound confidence and energy. Each travel greatly contributes in your life through the various experiences and memories you carry back with you from there. Most of all it teaches you to survive in new environments out of your comfort zone. Travel also gets you on the path of cultural sensitivity and cultural tolerance. In your travels you educate yourself as well as others that you meet along the way through cultural exchange and that is a wonderful way of connecting people with differences through many similarities. It combats cultural indifference and teaches one to accept and appreciate people different from you. Accepting people with all their differences is exactly what travel teaches you and that is needed all the more in the modern world where even in our advancement we are actually going backward in our thinking.

An understanding of other cultures is achieved through travel which will help in erasing any doubts or fears about an unknown culture and that is so needed in today's world where more intolerance and suspicion is born every day because of being intimidated of the unknown. Also it helps in learning new languages and recognising the value of each culture or religion. As I always say it helps you connect to people deeply to break the psychological barrier that exists between people of different nationalities and religions. It certainly makes you recognise people in a new way by getting introduced to their lifestyle. Travel increases your knowledge about different ethnicities and nationalities and equips you further in distinguishing between different nationalities through their clothes, customs, languages, local cuisines, facial features and clothes. Through your travels you learn to draw an impressive comparison between different cultures or find striking similarities . It leads to a new way of understanding History and Geography from a close view.

Monday, January 18, 2016

In Shades of Darkness White colour is needed to dilute the intensity

In recent times peoples' lives have been threatened by the raging hatred, intolerance and anger around us. As a result of it fear, insecurity and uncertainty are residing deeply within the world. We all are in a conflict within ourselves and outside. The heightened danger in cities and countries are giving a different shade to humanity, a shade never seen before...a shade so dark and intense that it will not get easily washed away with goodness, faith and efforts of peace.

The damage has been done ! But it is not too late to hope or pray for a change of times. It is not too late to hope for better days to arrive. If we do not do something now we would eventually be stuck in the quicksand of more terrible and destructive times.

 We are living in difficult and dangerous times ! Suspicion, rage, rigidity, lack of sensitivity  are some words that come to my mind when I think of what is going around us be it on the roads, streets or places. We are facing an unseen enemy all the time in the names of many faces and even within us. We have to first fight ourselves to fight others.

In today's times Peace is just a word we can only dream about. But peoples' actions today will determine the fate of humanity tomorrow. It is a very tough job to maintain peace, cultural sensitivity and empathy in today's times in our own countries as well as abroad when we are surrounded by such events that deeply disturb our belief in humanity and goodness but we have to try anyway as that is the only choice left to maintain the last remnants of peace and sanity in this world. The colour white symbolic of peace is needed to dilute the intensity of the colour black symbolic of darkness...

We have to combat any thoughts that draw us towards negativity and for that it is absolutely necessary to control our own impulsive reactions to certain situation that may cloud our judgement and may not help us to assess the situation correctly in order to take the appropriate action. We are often told that life is unfair and most times some have to pay for the actions of others but that should not be done or allowed. And so all the more it is very important to inform and educate people as much as possible regarding the difference between right and wrong and motivate them not to harm or threaten innocent lives. We all should be able to walk together as ONE with all our differences of identities, nationalities or religion to save the world from threats of negativity.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

ONE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ALL ! We as ONE can make the difference !

We as ONE can be the ONES to make a difference to ONE & ONE and thus All... There comes a time when ONE must stand up for their Rights to help others and oneself.

 We all feel strongly about certain causes that are close to our heart. Sometimes it is important to create time to support people to get justice. However justice may not be always served but it is important to work in that direction and put all your efforts in it. Of course that can be very time consuming specially when you research on a particular subject to support any cause. The last month has been a month of fighting for my Rights be it with a reputed Indian Bank or a famous British Telecommunication Company. I have also been making efforts to support other causes concerning safety of women or getting justice for a courageous prisoner of war who was tortured endlessly in a way that abuses humanity and Geneva Convention. I have also stood up for myself and others and that is not easily accepted or digested by many people from where I come from as women are supposed to be more passive around here and not really have a voice.

Causes may be big or small but they all hold relevance in making a change in the society for the betterment of others as well as yourself. Some people think it is a pure waste of time and some think it is a never ending story which will not really change anything ! But change your thought and motivate yourself to bring about positive changes in any field and you would be giving back to this world a better place to live in and a better experience of living. If we want a good life then we have to create that environment around us by doing positive things around us and by working towards bringing about positive changes in the world however challenging that may be !

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ghevar- A traditional Rajasthani Sweet

 Rakshabandhan ( the auspicious Hindu festival that celebrates the bond of protection between a brother and sister ) is later this month but we celebrated it a bit earlier this time before my brother left India.
This time we got the Rajasthani filigreed delicacy " Ghevar " which is a traditional sweet usually prepared during Teej and Rakhi festivals. This traditional  disc shaped sweet is a very fine sweet prepared with flour, ghee,milk,sugar,almonds, cardamom and saffron. Like most Indian sweets this Rajasthani delicacy also is decorated with 'varq' which is a sort of garnishing foil made of mostly pounded silver. ( Varq is edible and is safe to consume. Varq is used to decorate various foods to make the food look attractive)

Mysore Pak - A South Indian Dessert

[ India has a variety of sweets and desserts to offer from different States. Some sweets are seasonal and some are specially made only on auspicious occasions and festivals. It is a tradition to gift a box of mithai  (sweets) when visiting someone at home. It is a symbol of happiness and festivity. At weddings there are always different types of sweets and desserts included in the menu. Boxes of sweets are also distributed amongst close family and friends when sending wedding invitations and to celebrate the birth of a child.]

When I was working in Japan, I noticed that sweets were presented at offices too specially brought back as "omiyage" ( gift) by someone returning from a vacation or an official tour to another prefecture or country and that reminded me of India. Here too we like to gift a box of sweets that city is famous for to our colleagues visiting from abroad or other States. Whenever my brother visits Bangalore on a work trip, he is always gifted a box of South Indian mithai (sweet )called "Mysore Pak".  It is made of pure ghee ( purified butter), sugar and gram flour. Some contain cardamom too. This famous and rich  South Indian desert originated in Mysore and it is known that it was prepared by the palace cook.

 This time my brother's office staff presented him a box of Mysore Pak from this famous shop of  sweets " G Pulla Reddy Sweets". I have been introduced by my brother to various types of such sweets from different sweet shops of Bangalore but I thoroughly enjoyed this one from G. Pulla Reddy Sweet shop. I have tasted  Mysore Pak sweet before but have never tasted one as delicious as this. I loved the velvet buttery taste as it melted in my mouth to unfold hints of a caramel taste. This sweet from this particular shop not only tastes delicious but looks lovely too with hues of golden mustard and warm brown. A dessert looking so appealing and inviting as this tastes even better ! The Mysore Pak from G. Pulla Reddy Sweets is the best I have tasted so far with a soft texture and great flavour.

When I searched for this shop on Google, I was amazed to find out how famous this shop is. And the owner and founder  Mr. G Pulla Reddy was even more famous. He began selling sweets in 1948 on a small cart and his business flourished so much that he opened shops in India and abroad.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


On the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas as an Army Officer's daughter,  I write this article as a tribute to the serving soldiers and military veterans-

An officers pride shines not only in his discipline or courage in line of duty, it also resides in correct turnout of his uniform and boots. An officer's uniform is starched and ironed immaculately without even a doubt of crease. His shoes or boots and belt are always well polished . His medals and stars of gallantry shine brightly in all glory. His beret adorns his head proudly.

As long as he is in the Sevices, there is always someone to attend to him all the time and decorate his uniform as well as prepare his shoes to shine brightly for the day. He is respected by his juniors and admired by his seniors for his commitment to duty . His work is appreciated and recognized.

But the day he retires the dullness and monotony of his life reflects in his boots which stand unpolished now in a cupboard somewhere or are given away. For so many years those boots could not be separated from him and travelled  with him to adventurous , mysterious and faraway places. Those boots carried him through thick battles and areas of conflict. They have been an important part of his life but later those boots are taken away from him in a way as his life of service to the country retires. From a serving officer his title then changes to a veteran. From a life of challenges, hurdles and adventures, now his life alters to that one of simplicity and serenity. His social activities and parties decline in numbers though he still visits the Defence Clubs and enjoys other amenities as an ex officer. But somewhere he actually misses his old life and tries to catch a glimpse of it every now and then in his memories. He lives his old life through the narration of his interesting stories of those glorious days. He has real life stories to speak of his valour and dedication in serving the nation. His old life speaks of his sacrifices in the line of duty in being separated from his family on field postings or roughing it out in dangerous, intimidating and strange environments which at one time or the other has challenged his health too. But through it all he had tons of reserves of iron like determination and courage.

Now too after retiring he had not changed as age is just a state of mind and his courage and discipline remain intact and are visible in his life...but somewhere the creases of tiredness of the past that he acquired while serving in harsh weathers and places now reflect in his face and walk. Now as age catches up with him, there is nobody to wait upon him like his staff, attendants and juniors did back then. Now people even forget his achievements as a serving officer and he leads an ordinary life in contrast to the glorious as well as glamorous cantonment life he led. Of course he leads a good quality life after retirement too and is well settled with his pension too even if he chooses not to work. His children having not forgotten his contribution to the best education he could afford for them now strive to give him all the comfort and luxury he so deserves but he only feels truly alive when he is back in his army environment and he eagerly waits to be a part of it every now and then through reunions and parties.

Somewhere his soul cannot adjust to this new destination in his life called retired life and somewhere he feels ignored and neglected. He tries to attach the same meaning his life held in those early days but when at times he can't find it, he feels lost. All the more we need to give back what our veterans gave us and serving officers should not forget that they too will be in their position one day. More respect has to be demonstrated towards veterans in Military Hospitals and Canteens where the civil staff forget that these ageing veterans were once dashing heroes of our services and have to always be remembered and treated that way. Just because his boots lie unpolished now does not mean that he is not the same person he once used to be. He still has the right to the same importance and attention. Serving officers should ensure that the lives of the veterans remain well polished for life and shine as brightly as ever through their support. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cooking adds more flavour to life !

I just came across a contest on Facebook and the question was what made one a happy chef...I also participated in it and on a spontaneous note wrote the following-

" The smiles on our faces while enjoying delicious home- cooked food cooked by my mother makes her feel very contented as a wife, mother and my cooking teacher. That is a very fulfilling experience for her and that makes her immensely happy. That is what makes her truly a " Happy Chef" and in her sharing her treasured age old recipes from various cuisines with her family and friends. 
After all there is happiness in sharing as well as caring when you share your time, knowledge and experience to give delicious moments to your loved ones and it certainly begins from the kitchen !
 She has also shared her cooking secrets that she learnt from her mother in her book published on Indian Cooking in Japan and in doing that as well as introducing Indian cooking to the Japanese world also made her a Happy Chef ! Be it my father or mother, both are Happy Chefs as whatever and whenever they cook for the children reflects their love and happiness through the flavours and aromas...
Enjoy cooking and add all the ingredients of love and care in all your dishes and you will surely earn the tittle of a Happy Chef and that is what I follow too...:) "

I feel that cooking adds more flavour to life and it is one of the best ways to express the deep affection you hold for your family as well as imparting the right taste and flavour to others' lives as well. So learn cooking and enjoy cooking with family and friends ! :)

Friday, June 19, 2015


NaTula/ Nathula Pass 

I took this beautiful picture from the Indo- China Border at 14,150 F. We visited our Indian Officers and Soldiers on Independence Day, 15th August 2011. What better way to celebrate our Independence Day ! The entire journey to such a beautiful and historic height can never be forgotten even though it was a long challenging journey and I even fell sick on the way down. But any day I would travel there again if I could. The entire experience of travel there would be always treasured and the memories of the mesmerisingly beautiful landscapes created by nature would always be remembered.

Mesmerising view from Nathula Pass- By Simrit


Clear blue sky and the beautiful landscape - A perfect setting ! - By Simrit

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Beauty of Nature- Japan


Captured by Simrit
Colours of Nature- The City of Ise
Mie Prefecture, Japan

Life Borrowed

Life is is not ours to keep..then why are we so possessive about our moments and the people in our lives when everything is not ours to keep ? Life is a mirage in the desert of the world. In this world nothing stays constant. Life exists momentarily but then vanishes in an instant when you try to seize it.

The above was something I often thought about and recently after this expression of mine found it's way to paper as words, I just decided to google and see if people around the world had harboured the same thought at one time or another. I was amazed to find all that was written on the same thought process. So much is written on this subject in quotations and religion and I intend to research that later and hopefully share some information I acquire along the way.

 Now when I wrote the above I had no idea that this topic has been widely covered. That just goes to show that somewhere some peoples' thoughts are connected in some way around the globe- The Chain of  Similar Thoughts starts forming the first time someone thinks of something new and that keeps getting echoed around the world consciously or unconsciously. Thus thoughts that are good or bad have the power to affect this world. Thoughts are like bells and these bells resound over the world. Thoughts can be heard even from across distances.

Thinking aloud may influence some but silent thoughts too have deep repercussions as they travel to distant places to different minds like a telepathy of some sort even if these thoughts are never shared or heard. Law of Attraction too advocates the same view that thoughts are powerful and through our thoughts we can make things happen and make them possible against all odds. Such is the power of thoughts. What we think is interpreted by the a Universe and once it receives the message it gives it back to you in some sort of form . Sometimes these thoughts are distributed by the universe amongst other minds from it's storage of wide thought processes. Thoughts even the discarded ones leave it's impressions in this universe according to me...So we have to be careful about what we think because
as we believe in Hinduism and many other religions that what we think takes form and one thing said during the day comes true. Well I know this may appear deep but I still felt the need to write it down for some reason. Some may relate to it while it may not be able to reach some minds and there are those who may dismiss it as just another form of deep thinking.


Coronation Bridge Siliguri

Built in 1930 over the famous Teesta River at the confluence of Rangeet River & Teesta River
Built by the British, this bridge marks the coronation of 
King George V

By Simrit...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Label of Hatred

What is strange and unknown to us may intimidate or alienate us in the beginning, but we have no right to be so judgemental and suspicious about it everytime. What is unknown to us may not be acceptable but it should not be rebuked or negatively commented on. Everyone has a different way of life, thought and dressing and that should be no cause to bully someone or threaten them. We have to accept each other with our differences and by no way hold some accountable for the actions of others. No two people are alike and no two communities are alike. Differences are bound to exist between people but that should not divide them. Just a bit of difference in our attitudes can change the world for the better.

Everybody has different cultures and faiths. The differences in cultures and faiths when intermingled make a beautiful painting in life. Just like the difference in day and night as well as summer and winter, people tend to be different too. Life would be dull and monotonous if everyone looked and behaved the same way. We should try not to judge someone through his nationality or community . As I always say there are good and bad people in each community or country and that should always be kept in mind before putting everyone on the other side under one label...the Label of Hatred.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Destruction of Women in the Battle between Men

Recently I have been watching a TV serial based on a love story amidst the partition of two countries and as always I couldn't help but think about the plight of women in such troubled and dangerous times. I wonder if such horrific events such as wars or riots really stem out of political or religious motives. I feel they are more motivated by lust for power and greed for dominance over another specially women. It takes a more personal tone...It is like as if the animal lying dormant in some men skilfully uses this time to unleash itself under the camouflage of religious or political ambitions to hunt for his prey. At times like that some men hide their really devious intentions towards women under the mask of fighting for a country or cause when actually they are just furthering their own twisted cause. Their greed for power over women consumes them completely and they start attacking women endlessly.Why are women always attacked the most and treated in the most inhuman manner in enmities and clashes between countries and communities ? I think that maybe some men use such crisis to further their own  interests. Such men mask their ugly intentions very carefully.

History stands witness to the fact that in wars, battles or riots women are targeted the most as a means of degrading , humiliating and demeaning the other side. A woman is supposed to be the honour and foundation of her home, country and community and anyone who wants to weaken that foundation axes the roots and therefore attacks the women the maximum on the opposite side. In the battle between men, it is the woman who suffers the most. In the battle between nations and communities we hear of unthinkable atrocities committed against women. In the battle between countries, it is the women who are destroyed, harmed and broken the most in bits and pieces that tear them apart forever and make the world lose faith in humanity. It is sad and heartbreaking that even today women are captured as some sort of prize in wars and taken as slaves. We should be ashamed that we cannot do much to change that. In that case how has advancement in thoughts and civilisation favoured us as a race when we are still stuck in the quicksand of barbaric traditions of war which defy every rule of humanity ?

Yet the same man in more peaceful moments may have gone down on his knees to plead that a woman accepts him as his partner. Then why does the animal in him surface in him in violent times ? Does it have to be because of environment, upbringing or social values ? It is commonly said that a man who respects his mother will respect other women. A man like that would never ever harm a woman in any way.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Paths of Life

Sometimes people or places leave you or you leave them and have to go forward alone from there. In reality nobody actually leaves anyone as it is just that the situation or circumstances that warrant it at that time or destiny carves your life in such a way. 

Destiny carves itself in a person's life most of the time. It may appear that it may be your choice entirely to abandon a place or person but somewhere that choice too is dictated by compulsion of circumstances or life's requirement to align things in a certain way.

At times you need to set out on a search for yourself where not everybody will be able to walk with you. But that does not mean that your ties with that place or person are lost forever. You can still always go back there from time to time to find yourself. Many a times it is alright to delve in the past to discover your strengths and weaknesses remind yourself about the mistakes and trials or tribulations in your life which will help you to embark on strange and new paths with more assurance to usher new changes in your life and combat any challenges that come with it.

New paths that take you to new destinations and people are a journey nobody can ever avoid. There are places and people waiting out there to embrace you and accept you just the way you are if you give them a chance to. Live life and live every moment with it !

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What's in a name ?

I often hear people say that, " What's in a name ? " . Perhaps it's their way of covering up their mistake by offering such a statement over their mistake in addressing you by a wrong name. What is most infuriating is that they refuse to call you by your given name despite your politely requesting them to do so. Many a times, I have encountered such a situation and those people refuse to accept calling you by your name as they don't even seem to find it remotely odd. Instead such people feel that whatever name they choose to call you and your given name are one and the same thing. I actually find that quite rude as well as insulting and I feel that such an attitude spells lack of sensitivity or lack of respect for the other person. After all the best way to acknowledge or greet people is by their names.

Also one should let the other person decide how he or she wants to be addressed by you and what they want to be called. One only allows close ones to call you by your nickname or use other terms of endearments. I always ask people how may I address them as not everyone gives the liberty to you to call them by their nicknames or first names. It is essential to let the other person invite you to address him or her by their nicknames.

 As an ex- Hotelier, it is ingrained in me to make it a point to address people by their names and making sure that I pronounce and spell names correctly. We were taught about the significance of addressing people correctly by their given names and titles as part of training. As a Guest Relations Officer, it was my duty to memorise guests' names, birthdays and preferences to add a more personal touch to their visits. After all everyone wants to be acknowledged  and be made to feel that you respect them enough to remember their names and pronounce them rightly. Moreover as an individual too I give huge importance to such things as part of etiquette. Once in a while everyone can forget names or not know the correct pronunciation of a certain name but what is important is that we apologise immediately and ensure that we correct such slip ups by asking the person directly about the correct pronunciation of that person's name.  Unintentional mistakes can happen but can always be corrected and the other person would appreciate your genuine effort in going to lengths to refer to him or her correctly.

In the work world or personal life, it is important to be sensitive about how you address people. It certainly enhances your image and leaves a good impression on others. What's in a name ? The answer is a name is everything...A name is an identity of a person and an introduction to others. A name is an introduction to the world about who you are...The right name is required in your passport or at work and then I wonder why is it not given so much of importance in personal life. People may say that " A name is just a name"  but I think without your name you will have no identity. Now that could be both advantageous or disadvantageous in many ways in today's world where you may be judged purely by your last name but we have to live with our names and be proud of it.

A name in a way defines you...You will be robbed of your own identity if you do not give importance to your name or expect the others to do the same. While it may be very romantic to hear as Juliet said that " What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet", I still feel that your name cannot be separated from you even if you separate yourself from it. Your name is sealed in your destiny and is binding on you for life. In Hinduism or Sikhism we feel that changing your name can alter your destiny...and that your name affects your personality in some ways.

There are two conflicting theories to it but as much as I agree that what matters is who you are and not what you are called or known as, I still give importance to a name. Most of us believe that God is one and yet we address God by different names as that is our way of believing that while God may be one, God has different forms. The world addresses Gods by different names as this is our way of forming a personal connection with God by having different terms of endearments. I feel in a similar sort of way, a name is your form too among many in this world as it forms you in a way...A name symbolises you.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wealth of Emotions vs Material Wealth

A woman has a wealth of emotions and affection to offer and as a home maker she contributes precious moments of her time to raising a family which is never really appreciated truly the way it should be . Material wealth has taken priority over wealth of emotions in relationships lately where a man appreciates a working woman more than a home maker and a woman now is forced to think that the only way she can buy freedom and earn respect is by earning. A lot of women are actually inclined to think that the man in her life will give her real importance when she contributes to his bank account as well as shares the role of bread winner of the family.

While there may be choices and truths involved in such lifestyles, somewhere these are robbing the real essence of relationships where material expectations have risen so high that it steals them of real happiness , trust, security and unconditional love. Somewhere the balance of relationships are getting affected by this change of roles from a home maker to a financially independent wife .

Material expectations are openly discussed very widely before marriages these days and thus this has become a very important matter to be addressed. But such matters are delicate and sometimes very harmful to the relationship in the initial days of marriage where the partners don't know each other that well and  may form rigid opinions about each other in the process. So people have to approach this subject of material expectations and responsibilities very sensibly and tactfully without offending or alienating the other.

It should be merely about choices and not compulsions where men demand women to earn and contribute in paying the bills. It should be about personal choice and letting a woman decide if she wants to work or not . A woman deserves financial independence if she wants to pursue such a life but if she wants to be a homemaker then that too should be accepted,respected and appreciated as well. As it is there are so many options these days for women to work from home as well if a situation demands it and if it becomes absolutely necessary for her to earn.

I believe in financial independence and paying for most of my things but like many other women I would definitely value a man who can provide for me and I will in no way feel threatened or insulted by it. If a man enjoys providing for a woman in a relationship, she should by no way feel that her identity is getting threatened or he is doing a favour to her. A woman after all has the right to be pampered and indulged after all that she gives of herself in different forms in various relationships of her life as a daughter, wife, sister and mother. A man can certainly afford to be generous enough in that respect to provide for her in every way specially as a husband if circumstances permit and a woman chooses to have it that way.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Period of Transition

A New Phase of Life

Beginnings and Endings

The journey of life's one phase to another phase is never easy. Many times it may not be accepted initially even though sometimes one is prepared for it. One knows that changes arrive at our doorsteps with new responsibilities, losses, partings or sacrifices in big or small sizes. And there comes a price with everything be it good or bad.

Beginnings and Endings carry a lot of emotions and changes that are good or bad. Some accept this change while some resist it but after all said and done and after a while , the new phase of life motivates or forces one to accept it finally. It becomes simple to embrace the change by arriving at a point where you genuinely come to terms with it. While the period of transition becomes all the more unacceptable, difficult and challenging when one refuses to befriend it. So one is left with just one choice... As I always state " Such is Life". As translated in Spanish language " Asi es la vida".

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

" In the mirror of relationship you see what you reflect...You see what you   are.

In a way you find yourself in the other person in a relationship. You get what you give. You receive what you offer. "


"Trust is like a piece of glass...once broken it cannot be ever fixed.  And even if you join back the pieces too the cracks will remind you of that damage.

Trust is as fragile as life. Once destroyed it can never be revived.

It is important to uphold and protect the trust people place in you. Once lost trust can never be recovered completely. "




Palace of Jodhpur 

Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur...A visit to remember long after !

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Leh, Ladakh

Picturesque view of Leh from Shanti Stupa...

Night view of  Leh captured by me from Shanti Stupa

A Historical Street- Kawasaki, Ise City

An Ancient Street in Japan

A historical street in Kawasaki , Mie- ken Japan
