In life, the usage of correct words, expressions, etiquettes and body language are important tools in reflecting cultural sensitivity. Words are the most important...Fair words cost nothing. Words alone can break or make a relationship….Wrong usage of words can reflect not only ignorance but lack of sensitivity and lack of respect for the other person or culture. It is often said that “loose lips sink ships”.
In the world of diplomacy and cultural connections, it is essential to master the correct usage of words, gestures and etiquettes to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and mutual respect as well as understanding. “Wealth of cultural etiquettes makes many friends”.
I feel that not knowing the norms of any culture and ignoring the importance of the correct usage of words can steal the essence from the ability to interpret that language. There is no use of studying the language or history of a country, if one cannot acquaint oneself with the cultural etiquettes as well…According to me, etiquettes are the accessories of any culture, in the absence of which knowledge of that culture appears absolutely unattractive and incomplete.
Manners and sensitivity help in creating mutual respect which ushers the arrival of mutual understanding between individuals and nations. I strongly feel that the lack of etiquettes and sensitivity makes any cultural interaction of any level very tasteless and unrefined. Our attitude and response to each other matter a lot in forming and forging relationships. It is important to keep in view another’s feelings and to make efforts to empathize.
Words for example if not appropriately used can mark the ending of any kind of relationship be it a personal or business relationship as well as result in creating conflict between nations. It is extremely important to convey the right meaning of your intentions through words. Careless usages of words destroy mutual impressions.
Sometimes very small points in one’s conversation or attitude may hurt and damage a relationship forever in life… Wrong words pierce a person and have a lasting effect. Lack of sensitivity in terms of words may scratch you painfully like sandpaper… Though at times, having been the recipient of wrong words one’s own sensitivity to another person deepens as a result of the pain one has experienced. Nevertheless it is so important to feel each word you speak and be aware of the impact of their meaning as words speak volumes.
Certain gestures too can be considered offensive in another culture. The definitions of body language in addition to the definitions of similar words differ in countries. Body language also plays a key role in expressing one’s respect for another culture. There are different forms of handshakes and greetings that are included in the study of body language which also help in creating a positive and lasting impression. In the classroom environment, I always enjoyed covering etiquettes of various countries in the section of “Cultural Talks” as I called it. These talks included even the simplest of things such as giving gifts or dining at a formal environment in a certain country. You’d be surprised to know that the tips given at a restaurant or the number of flowers considered acceptable when given as a gift also differ from country to country.
To add finishing touches to one’s knowledge of other cultures, it is necessary that one develops the art of cultural sensitivity. It is also essential to demonstrate your knowledge on this subject through one’s behaviour and actions. No knowledge is complete without actually applying it to real life.
I have experienced that country to country cultural exchange is a delicate bridge of friendship that has to be crossed not only intelligently but with patience and tact. An intelligent direction of thoughts in this respect can cement relationships between people. I always taught my students that a thorough study of each other’s cultures is required to make the interaction effective. For instance the knowledge of the significance of colours in each culture is essential. My mother has always stressed the importance of the above in my life since childhood as an important part of my grooming because as an individual and a responsible person in this cross-cultural environment, it is essential to acquire such qualities.
We must take strong measures against the wind of careless expression of words in modern times specially where stress and impatience are abundant…It is also required to know the correct pronunciation and intonation in the world of words. In the absence of clear pronunciation, the true meaning of words may be lost and that would also portray one’s lack of knowledge and interest in the subject. I am told that even in chanting or prayer of any sort, a lot depends on the right usage and pronunciation of words as that alone determines the power and result of that particular chant or ‘mantra’. As teachers of cultural exchange programme, our main task was to motivate students to have an in depth knowledge of other cultures as well as to stress on the right pronunciation of words.
Words can evoke a chain of thought process…Words alone can inspire and motivate people…Souls can be stirred through a collection of words called Poetry. Hence the role of words in our lives and in the world outside can never be ignored. Right words are one of the essential ingredients to whip up a delicious flavour in the cocktail of cultural sensitivity.