Sunday, June 27, 2010


Writing is an Art in itself… Some may find depth of feelings and emotions in it while some may decide its abstract while others may not understand it at all…Every piece of art is viewed and interpreted by different people in different ways according to their perceptions. But a piece of art still remains art.

I have always been interested in writing. Writing completes me…In good times and bad I have always poured my emotions on paper. Writing my feelings on paper represented a source of solace and comfort to me. Situations and people inspired my thoughts. Sometimes I wanted to pen down things that I wondered about. I was taught that wonder is the beginning of wisdom… I would share some of my writings with my family as a child and my father always guided me and added finishing touches to them while my mother served more food to my thoughts over endless sessions of tea. Since childhood I had a vivid imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge and imagination itself led me to writing. Also the person with imagination is never alone.

I always tried capturing my thoughts on paper to reveal them in time. Heartfelt moments and delicious memories gain meaning and form when described through writing. My situations and experiences inspired poems and thoughts in me that were hidden until now. I would always absorb everything around me to release it on paper later. A lot can be revealed to the world by a writer.

I think that somewhere there’s a writer hidden in all of us. Search yourself and you’ll find an author residing in you. We all have a story to tell sometimes about others or sometimes about ourselves. Thinking inspires writing. Some of us think aloud and voice our thoughts to the world in terms of writing while others talk to themselves instead of sharing it on paper.

I have created my blog not only to converse with the world but also encourage interaction of thoughts and exchange of ideas and opinions. I invite you to share your valuable knowledge and expression with me as well.

My family always appreciated my writing and encouraged me to go in the direction of sharing it with the world. But I was hesitant for quite sometime as I did not feel that the world would comprehend what I’m trying to voice. But over the time I realized that since I view writing as an art I must share my art with all even if it is not interpreted and appreciated by some or goes unrecognized. I strongly felt that my art i.e. my writing should be given a chance, irrespective of the outcome that whether it is admired or critically appraised. As it is like faith needs no proof, an expression of a writer’s art does not need proof of recognition not if you’re an artist. Anything particularly art, knowledge, thoughts and writing are wasted if not shared. One should not express one’s thought in silence… Most of the times, we can lead people to believe through our writing. Thus I always considered writing to be very powerful.

Words have been buried deep in my heart for so long now. My friend Arun who is a Senior Manager / Marketing Head-Web Initiatives Mahindra Holidays encouraged me to reveal these words to you all. He gave me the canvas to paint my emotions. It seems he did not want my words to be left unsaid. Now my words and hidden thoughts will surface in the form of poems, stories, experiences…A journey of thousand miles must begin with a single step and my family as well as Arun encouraged me to take that first step in the journey of writing by believing in me.

Words that you may not be able to find in yourself and voice…I will narrate for you. In the journey of writing our thoughts can travel together…Life is void and meaningless when expressions are not shared. Writing is nothing but a guided dream. Hence lets live this dream or give a dream to each other through our exchange of writings…In between the lines we may find something to inspire, motivate and strengthen us. The heart of melody can never be put down on paper I hear but still I will attempt to give a true form to my expression. Nothing is open for discussion in life but in the world of writing everything invites discussion.


Arun Nair said...

Great start Simrit! And keep it going :)

Arun Nair said...

Great start Simrit! And keep it going :)

Simrit Kapila said...

Thanks Arun!I deeply appreciate your encouraging me in this direction...Because of you I'm finally living my dream i.e. writing...Yes I will keep it going and will look forward to more comments & feedback from you :)

Unknown said...

liked ur effort ----goood going and keep scaling heights and hurdles

Simrit Kapila said...

My heartfelt gratitude to you Dr. Jaideep Randhawa for always encouraging and inspiring me...I really appreciate your comment.
Coming from you,this is the highest compliment...There is still so much more to learn from you.
A journey of thousand miles must begin with a single step...I have taken the first step.
