Wednesday, October 30, 2013

However much you may love someone, do not let them break your self-esteem, lower your self respect,take you for granted or impose rigid ultimatums on you. Do not let them walk all over you or convince you to believe things about you that you are not.

All have imperfections, weaknesses and have outbursts at sometime or another as we all are human. If someone constantly puts you down by telling you that you are the only one who is quick to lose temper or you snap out easily, tell them that they do so too as these reactions are situation based at times. Of course it is not good to lose temper easily or be totally out of control but sometimes it is natural as the other person may be provoking you beyond your limits and your retaliation to it at the time is just a temporary strong reaction. As it is the other person may be bringing out the worst in you. In the world of Body Language this is called " Mirrroring " . The term refers to a behaviour where you imitate another person in gestures, expressions, words and attitude without being aware of it while interacting with that person. You behave the way a person behaves with you. Some bring out the best in you every time and inspire as well as motivate you. While there are others who bring out the worst side in you. It is important to trust and understand the other person in a relationship if you want it to be reciprocated. Then only will two people feel a mutual connection. In any case one must maintain one's dignity and try hard not to make it a habit to react strongly and harshly so easily just because the other person is behaving badly.

But a relationship or love that cannot overcome obstacles of repeated insults,misunderstandings, threats, ultimatums, blackmails, scenes and fights is really not a relationship or love anymore....A relationship may start out as a love story but over the years it may either blossom or turn bitter. One has to continuously work at a relationship and not take each other for granted. Where there is no mutual respect or trust, the love dies...

There are various reasons two people are together- some because of continuous love and respect, some because of the love they once shared or some living on the hope that some day the same love they once shared will re-visit them and some stay together as a compromise for the kids. Whatever the reason, the journey of love or the journey of a lifetime together should be mostly pleasant. You cannot base a relationship on the love  it once originated from even though now it may be lost...You cannot just sit and hope it will get better. You cannot base a relationship on a fake love that you feel actually exists as that is not healthy because you may be in a state of denial...Most important you cannot base a relationship on a one sided love...

Both partners have to meet each other half way without any demands and conditions. Both have to be flexible, sensitive and adaptable to each other.  Both have to give their best in terms of love, acceptance and sensitivity. The connection would be strong and there would be contentment if both make visible attempts in adapting well to each other. Love is not a mere word, it is a feeling best expressed through actions even in silence.

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