Monday, April 29, 2019

Power of Words

Words make a difference...In fact words make ALL the difference ! That is why it is wise to choose your words wisely.

Words can be comforting and words can be damaging... Words can be inspiring and words can be discouraging... Such is the power of words as we all know. 

Then why don't we measure our words ? Words can be piercing to a deep extent and yet we use words sharply.

Words can influence the world and words can leave long lasting impressions on minds. Words can win people or words can alienate people... Yet we don't weigh our words.

It is so important to realize the power of words...
Feel each word to know every word...   

Words cannot be scattered around carelessly in your personal and professional conversations. A pen cant be mightier than a sword.. Therefore words  that fall from a pen are mightier than a sword  and sharper than a knife. It is very important to concentrate on the correct usage and delivery of your words. 

The power of words need to be truly realized...

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