Saturday, April 27, 2019

Thoughts on Books...

Sometimes one has to pen down thoughts that we desire to share about something or someone to quench our thirst for expression or to pay a tribute to something . Today was such a moment...I needed to write something to maybe define my thoughts that were eager to be released on paper. I needed to share my words of appreciation for books...Whatever the reason, I absolutely enjoyed writing today after a long time. It felt like an artist feeling satisfaction and contentment on completion of a painting with the desired shades and hues...While typing I almost lost this page and I felt so disappointed but fortunately I was able to recover the page eventually and it was definitely a moment of a sense of victory that I have not felt in ages. I enjoyed translating my thoughts on something that is close to my heart-   


In books do we find our stories and the stories we relate to...
In books do we find the answers to life...

Books are precious and magical as they hold the stories our hearts continuously search for time and again and the untold stories that hold endless mysteries for us. Some of the stories that the books store  touch and inspire us so deeply in the most beautiful ways while some intimidate us in unpleasant sort of ways. But all the same books are worth reading to experience the known and unknown.

Books stir various emotions in us. It is like having travelled an unknown path without actually  undertaking the journey.

Like many a things books leave long lasting impressions that fuel our thoughts and change our lives in so many ways forever.

Since an early age I loved collecting books mostly on subjects that interested me though our house as well as my grandparents' house always had a huge collection of knowledge on paper (books) on different subjects and topics. In books could I escape for a while and get lost in a most interesting world which would delight me. What I liked the best about books was that it was a separate world of it's own that I could return tot and relive anytime I wanted to. The stories and knowledge stored in them were mine to keep and collect . The stories in those books be it real or fiction could be relived any number of times I wanted by simply reading them over and over again to my heart's content. It was like living so many different lives in one lifetime !

Everybody learns and gains something or the other through books that light our minds in darkness or make us wonder what was, what is or what might be...
I may be just rambling on but this is an interpretation of my thoughts on books. Some may understand it and some not... Having said that I still feel that all will agree that books are so important and they must have a place in our lives and time. It is so important to read. I have been taught that books are very essential and the most prized possessions. Books encompass so many thoughts, experiences, emotions and predictions. Thus they are the best gifts and yet not all appreciate books the way they are meant to be appreciated. Even now I love to possess or collect books instead of replacing them by e-books. E-books fail to charm me the way traditional books do because it is so important for me to actually touch them to connect to them. I just love to turn the pages as the story unravels and feel the crispness of the paper it was written on. The distinctive scent of the books continue to fascinate me and beckon me to read...Such is the magic of books ! I hope you have shared and read the same magic...             

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