Every person, country or religion follows faith...Faith is important. However different our cultures may be or whatever religion we may follow, faith lives in most of us. It unites people and brings them together .
One can have immense faith in God or a person. It is essential to have faith in something to give life more purpose and meaning. Faith can be placed in a person, place or thing...We visit places of worship because we have faith that we can find peace there and feel the divine presence of God around us. Sometimes we worship some person because we love that person the same way we love God i.e. without conditions. Faith is in fact born from love to start with and it continues to grow strong in time with trust...
Usually Faith is at it's strongest when we receive and feel we are not let down by God or a person and the same Faith is fragile in storms of anger or betrayal. But faith in anything ought to be unconditional...
Faith resides where there is trust ...Trust and honesty attract faith in a relationship and are the two strong pillars of any relationship. When faith is lost in God or a person,everything is lost. Then a sense of direction is lost. Lack of faith can prove to be quite destructive as then we have nothing to turn to in life or get strength from in trying and difficult times. Prayer offered to the Gods in different faiths or faith in a person give us immense strength. In faith do we learn to bow our heads before God or a person we love and respect.
I feel that no matter how long it takes or how hard it may be, there comes a time when it becomes absolutely necessary to restore one's faith in a person you love or any God you worship to maintain peace and contentment in life. Basically life is simple when we can unconditionally hold our faith in life's decisions and changes however opposed we may be to it to start with. Faith however misplaced it may be at times because of unfulfilled expectations or circumstances has to win in the end. Faith brings hope...