I find it very unrealistic when people say that they can never be sad or pained. Unfortunately, nobody can elude pain or sadness. I feel that nobody can have a “No Complications” life. But, most of the time it’s in our power to heal ourselves with time. No season lasts forever even though they may visit our lives time and again. The leaves of life constantly change colours.
There are Setbacks, Failures, Loses and Disappointments in every life. At such a time one may feel deeply sad or pained. Sometimes people close to us may let us down or hurt us. Yet sometimes in losing we gain…
Crossing over hurts, you have to be willing to suffer a little, push harder to forget sad memories. One can be free of it only once you face the stark reality courageously as hard as it may be. You should not be in a state of denial by pretending that everything is alright as that’s not right and definitely not healthy. One cannot ignore pain. One has to feel it to deal with it.
Sometimes somebody very close to us is lost forever in life or to life. These are loses greater than the loss of something brought about by disappointments and failures. The pain the loss of life brings with it cannot be taken lightly by anyone or dealt with that easily. The kind of pain such a loss brings with it is very different from the above as this kind of pain deeply pierces you and remains within you even in better times. Such a loss can never be filled…At such a time, it is only natural and only human to feel severely anguished and it is important to try not to suppress it. Sadly, life leaves us no choice but to acknowledge and accept such pain whether we like it or not. That’s really the misfortune of being a human being that you can’t evade pain.
But as far as Failures, Setbacks and Disappointments are concerned, don’t ignore them or they’ll return. Don’t run away from them or they’ll overtake you and consume you. It is natural and normal to feel bad and one shouldn’t ever try to conceal it or one will suffer more. The more you run away from problems the more it catches up with you….deal with all problems in the sense that you may want to address them and try to solve them so that they don’t haunt you afterwards…
Don’t accumulate painful memories somewhere deep inside your heart as that’ll make you feel so heavy and highly burdened. You must release them and be free of them by facing them courageously. It may appear difficult at first but it’s just a matter of time when it will not be impossible. You must try as long as it may take. Sometimes it may take very long to be released from a painful experience but what is important is that you take the first step to make things better, to feel better…
The best way to go about it is to process all your painful memories and address the pain one at a time. The important thing is to deal with the painful memories, even feel bad a little, cry a little…In life one has to cry a little as well as laugh a little. No matter how difficult life gets, live it with hope that Spring will one day arrive in your life. Life is beautiful…you’ll find when the shadows of sadness and pain have faded. Walk into fear of pain , don’t fight it .