Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Today I watched "Design Talks Plus" on NHK World Japan. It was such a pleasure to see the creative and artistic creations of Japanese architects and designers. Japanese are known for utilizing space correctly and what I would call is "creating space in limited space" with the way they layout a living space or the way they stack things in a cupboard. Immense creativity is displayed in their original and intelligent designs. It goes to show that we can live with less and live in small spaces in the most splendid ways if we desire to. One can even have the most beautiful garden in a very small space and yet give it the look of vastness and depth by the way we cleverly design it.    

Minimalistic living is important to enjoy the more meaningful things in life as was discussed in the show. Japanese architects showcase their creative projects in houses and furniture. I feel that we often confuse minimalistic decor with minimalistic living. People often buy big houses but on the contrary, choose to have minimalistic decor thinking that it would portray that they are following the actual concept of minimalism. But that does not necessarily bring out the essence or authenticity of minimalism according to me if you truly want to subscribe to the idea of minimalism. As the architect rightly said that instead of expanding, one needs to grow upwards and save on space. Now that has a very deep interpretation for me. My interpretation is that one can live with less but still rise in life by having abundance in your heart even amidst limitations. I wonder what would be your interpretation of what you see in that program. Anything you see in a day or experience every day can have a deep meaning for you and like a work of art can invite different interpretations. 

The importance of reusing things was also discussed and I could closely relate to that as we follow that in our family. Things are handed down from generation to generation. My mother is an interior designer and she believes in giving an honorable place to all the heirlooms and other old things in her house to go hand-in-hand with contemporary things or furniture. One does not have to renounce old things or old ways from time immemorial to embrace new things and this is what I follow in life. It all depends on the right balance and how you blend them with each other. 

I have blended things old and new as well as blended things from different cultures in the way I have decorated my apartment. Not everything is new as I have some antiques or old or used things like furniture at my place but everything matches each other in such a way that you would feel that they were bought together to be meant for each other. But it all depends on how you place things to show unison. In differences too there can be togetherness. I am a cross-cultural consultant and you can find the shades of my thoughts and work resonate in the decor of my house too as I bring together different things bought at different places from different countries. This is what I learned from my parents. It is all the more interesting and fulfilling when you could create a beautiful picture out of things that would normally not be considered to go with each other being from different cultures or different times.       

I feel one could also choose to have a blend of colors or a blend of cultures in the things that you display in your house. I don't strictly follow a particular kind of decor. What matters is how you put things together to make them belong to each other and bring out the beauty in each other even in the small space of an apartment. The idea is to create space within space and that can be a bright one too if you want with the colors and lighting you choose. In these times, most of your time is spent at your own place. You are within your space most of the time during these trying times of the pandemic and so it is required that it should be comfortable and alluring for you so that you don't feel weighed down by being indoors more than before. Within that limited space too, you can easily discover the value of life!      

Monday, May 24, 2021

Together and Forever in my Heart-What life tears, your heart holds...


Life is what it is...That is what life is...Such is life!

There is no "forever" in life as much we desire. There is a beginning and an end as we know very well. And what matters is how we live in that journey between a beginning and an end. The short time in between the two pillars of life has to be realized and lived to it's fullest and yet we easily forget that. Time is never enough and time is not everlasting though the memories are eternal when treasured in one's heart. 

In this life, not everyone is fortunate enough to experience a lifetime of love and happiness. Only some have the honour and fortune of sharing years of love and togetherness. This story that touched me today is that of a very beautiful and loving elderly couple whose love grew stronger and deeper with time over the years and how they wished to continue holding hands to pass over to the other world. They did not want to let go of each other even when life's end called on them but life as ruthless as it is chose to take one before the other.

I just watched "My Love-Don't cross that river" on KQED PBS. It was a heartfelt tribute to the precious love of a very aged couple who had a history of 76 years of togetherness in which they grew even closer with time and age despite challenges. They lived in the beautiful countryside of South Korea where they celebrated their love for each other every day through simple gestures and things. They did things for each other and cherished each other in each breath that they had left in them. They cared for each other and took care of each other without any help from anyone. But their intense love for each other made them strong and secure even at that age.  

Watching their moments together was so heartwarming and yet so heartbreaking because one knew that these moments would not last much longer. One wished that there would be no end to their special bond in this lifetime. This real-life story showed their moments together when they enjoyed just being together and celebrating their love as well as affection for each other daily. They enjoyed each and every moment and made the monotony of life and routine work so magical with the much expressed caring for each other. 

They played in the snow and they threw leaves at each other only to show that age had not dulled their enjoyment in being with each other. Their hearts appeared young even though trapped in the bodies of old age. They teased each other even while doing simple household chores which demonstrated their involvement in each other. They were there for each other in every way and helped each other by doing things for each other while holding each others' hands to guide each other.

 It was so wonderful to see that romance was not lost to them even at that age. They lived alone at such an old age with their two dogs and yet they seemed so contented, happy, and peaceful. They appeared to be lost in each other completely! They were living alone but living a life rich in love and every day was so meaningful because of the depth of their connection. They were so absorbed in each other that they actually did not need anybody else or require anything else even though their children and grandchildren visited them occasionally.

Such is true love! It goes to show that love has no boundaries of age...And yet the loving relationship is so painfully tragic when it has to face and endure the separation from the other. And the story speaks to us of their feelings as to how they don't want to part with each other even in death. But even then she prepares for his new journey to the other side as is the custom so that he has all his things with him till she can join him in the other world as she says. That really strikes the chords of our hearts and moves us to tears. I was profoundly sad when it came to the part where the husband is fading away from life and how she desperately clings to hope and prays he would live on for some more months. To see her weeping endlessly in bidding farewell to him in the snow before heading back home alone reminded me that how very lonely she must have felt and yet she had to continue living without him.   

 True love actually transcends age and life...True love lives on eternally in the heart of another's heart as the connection is very deep. True love is a commitment of a lifetime and beyond it. That is what makes it so beautiful but painful too...Such is the love story of a lifetime where one grows and blooms in one's love for each other only to wither in the end. What blooms has to wither as that is the norm of life. And yet it is so difficult to accept that... Your heart holds forever what life tears from you.  


Thursday, May 13, 2021


Life was always fragile but more so now! In these very dark times, also lies more difficulties and heartbreaks. Families cannot be there for each other to support each other as travel restrictions have become more rigid than ever before. I am seeing so many suffer around me every day because of it. 

 However much positive you may try to remain, you cannot escape the pain you feel to see others in pain at this time. So many I know could not make it on time to be with their loved ones who lost their lives to this deadly pandemic and so many others are trying so hard to overcome all the obstacles of airlines' travel restrictions and visa or passport related problems to make it back home to India or elsewhere to be there for their old parents or any other loved one. The delay in their emergency travel is naturally affecting them so badly! 

Each moment weighs so heavily on them and they feel just lost, helpless, and stuck when they are not able to reach their families right away and they have to wait for appointments for emergency visas or for their passports that have gone for renewals to be returned to them. They have to wait for appointments as walk-ins are not allowed during this time. But time is the biggest factor here as life does not wait for anyone...What do people in such situations do? Do they just resign to fate and let life take its natural course of action? Do they just keep waiting for things to happen while each breath of their parents is difficultly taken and their eyes search for them?      

To add to it, it is difficult to get emergency visas for people without a letter from the patient's doctor and it is so difficult to reach doctors from overseas in these times particularly because they are not able to answer phone calls or emails in these trying times. One shouldn't have to go through this! I witness that every day here and my heart goes out to their families and them. We as a family had been through that too some months back when we had a medical emergency back home and each minute was so difficult especially because we had to first tackle the challenges of completing all pandemic-related travel formalities in the form of various documents and tests as well as get an emergency visa.  

A person I have not yet met but got acquainted with through our neighborhood group is having such a tough time making it to India right now even though she has able to gather most of the required medical documents for her emergency-related travel with the exception of a letter from a Doctor and her passport which is stuck in the renewal process right now. Her in-laws are in a critical condition and she needs to be there for them especially because as mentioned by her, unfortunately, her husband can't make it just yet because of unavoidable circumstances. To add to her problems she has to leave her kids here because it is not safe for them to travel. 

For so many days now she is trying to make it back to India but she is facing many challenges despite having medical reports of her in-laws indicating that they have COVID and severe infection. I am doing my best to be there for her and try my best to give her emotional support as well as some useful advice. But that is not enough as she needs to be on her way to India as soon as possible! This is what made me share my thoughts here today. 

 Right now we as Indians are there for each other here and have come together in providing all forms of support to people back in our country. But what is needed is something more! We have to assist those who need to travel back home due to emergency situations by helping them out in quickly coordinating their travel arrangements and preparing all the needed documents for their travels. At that time one is already so lost and having to deal with all this stuff makes matters worse.  I remember how I was running around for printouts of all the required documents for my travel at the last moment as the airports especially in the destination country required that. 

We need entire support from our Indian community leaders here to work with the Consulates in organizing more emergency helplines and help desks in every city here to assist people in emergency situations in every way possible. I am sure that the large population of Indians in the United States can easily manage to do that and gather volunteers too. It is true we all are doing our bit and helping out each other the best way we can but it requires more structure and definition! And for that different groups, institutions, and organizations will have to work more closely together to assist people traveling for emergency purposes. Let's make it easier for all as they already have so much on their minds at that time and have a long journey to embark on to reach their loved ones to help them get better...Some are crossing over that long-distance just to bid a last farewell... Each journey requires so much support when taken for reasons of a medical emergency in the family or a sad ending. And that is why we need to support them more at that time and make things easier for them...



Friday, May 7, 2021


As sleep evaded me, I thought about all that is happening around us. I wonder for how long the world will be enveloped in this darkness of the pandemic. The stillness and the darkness of the night have not ended even though dawn will greet me soon while I write my thoughts...

We are waging a war against an unseen and unpredictable enemy which has not only taken away our lives from us but taken away precious lives forever and divided us in faith. Today the world is divided in belief and not so much in borders. The world is divided between believers and non-believers. There are those who believe that this too shall end and our lives will be given back to us. While there are others who believe that we can never escape from what we are going through. Some days there is hope that prayers will be answered and we will be free again but there are some days when there is only dismay that surrounds us...We may be in a conflict with our own selves too when we are witnessing immense suffering and tragic losses around us. Yet do not let faith desert us...

Today the world is separated in its outlook and responses. There are those to whom it does not matter anymore whether our lives will be restored or not to what it was or whether normalcy would be truly restored since they have already lost so much. And then there are those who are numb...There are some who are very empathetic and going out of their way to care about each other and support each other through this crisis. But there are others who want to continue remaining detached and oblivious to what is happening around them and continue their lives as before with total disregard to how their actions might harm others or disrespect others at this time. It is time that we align our thoughts...

Needless to say that the world is suffering the worst kind of pain and sadness ever. The world requires to be healed and the healing will take longer than expected. The only choice left to us right now is to face whatever may come and stay strong as much as we can...We have to rebuild and restore our lives in every way possible. But we are fighting a very unpredictable and faceless enemy. We have to stand together as one world to combat this deadly virus. And through these difficult times, we must stay committed to being kind and helpful to each other. Strength comes easily when people care about each other.  

As always History will always be a painful reminder to us that so many innocent lives were lost yet again due to the cruel ambition and ruthless intentions of certain individuals. So many had to pay the most terrible price for the most irresponsible and careless actions of some who brought this upon every one whom they even called their own as well as others. But the actions of some cannot be blamed on others. Let not the present times divide us through hate and mistrust but instead let us embrace each other all the more at this time to get through this ordeal together. 

We can just hope and pray that this too shall end like many such destructive happenings before it and we never face something like this ever again! But can there be such sureties in life especially when playing with lives is something that comes so easily to those who may not have a conscience? We cannot trust what time brings us going forward but we can place trust in ourselves in how we deal with it to the best of our abilities. We can also try to place faith in hope for better times to come. I want to believe that there will be light after darkness. In fact, I believe that things will change for the better. Times will change because nothing remains the same for long... that is the law of life! Such is life!   

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Home is where the heart is-Life of an Immigrant


The heart and life of an immigrant are always divided between the county of birth/origin and the country of residence. Wherever one might go in this world, one's heart actually resides in one's country of origin. Home is where the heart is...I am an Indian and my heart always remains in India even though I live abroad. Some of the Hindi songs like " Phir bhi Dil hai Hindustani ", "Mitti" or " Main jahaan rahoon" best describe one's emotions when one is living far away from one's "desh"  (country). 

Wherever I may be, my heart will always remain Indian. The country you were born in is your janam bhumi (land of birth) and the country of residence abroad is your karam bhumi (land of activity or action since you work there). You are true to both and yet you cannot belong to one entirely. It is like you are present somewhere but your spirit is elsewhere. 

As an immigrant, you are blessed with a sense of belonging to two lands and after some time one cannot do without the other. But one ends up having two parallel lives. My parents always say that I should consider myself lucky that I have two homes in two different countries and can enjoy both which is true but everything comes with a price. Being here means missing out on golden moments with your family and friends back home. One can choose to go back but one cannot somehow...And in times of crisis, one feels the distance even more. Many immigrants would feel the same.     

And at times like now when we are faced with the difficulties of the world health crisis, all the more one wants to be close to one's family because it is so important to be there for each other. It is not at all easy to live away from home in these times. But we have no choice but to be strong! One knows that one has no choice but to be courageous when one embarks on a journey far away from home to distant places since lots of sacrifices, risks and adventures are a part of that journey.   

Right now when India is facing life-threatening challenges caused by the pandemic, all we can do is to pray for our families back home in our country. All are worried about all that is happening back home but we can only rely on our faith in prayers to protect our loved ones.

We all stand together for India in our thoughts and prayers right now. We are sending positivity and healing energy through our prayers across the distance...


Saturday, April 17, 2021


Last week I had watched again a very emotional and inspiring program on NHK- " Regaining Names". It was dedicated to the Miyagi Prefectural Police's search for victims of the earthquake and tsunami. It covered their detail-oriented and endless search for people who lost their lives and finding their remains to help them reunite with their families and thus regain their names. 

It talked about this person's self-imposed mission to trace each and everyone who was lost to their family in that natural disaster. He felt all of them and every last of them should return home and I believe that is the greatest thing one can do for others. Helping someone regain their name and identity is the most significant thing you can do for someone because your name defines you.  This real-life story demonstrates the deep sensitivity of the people involved in it. Here they helped people who lost their lives regain their names and identities. Once again it goes to show that deep emotions matter to Japanese people and that is so much part of their strength! 

I always say that having emotions is not a weakness but a true strength that gives one the courage to do and address things with deep commitment. It is essential to deeply appreciate and honour the feelings of others!

 This program made me think that in life some people who still have life in them also need to regain and find themselves and meet closures in matters of relationships and tragedies. Everybody living or not deserves closure to either regain their identities or regain their lives. We must be there to provide such closures to people to lead better lives or find peace in painful partings. Partings and Separations are never easy but one can help people find a sense of peace through proper closures. 

In the story of " Regaining Names", one person in particular Abe san helped people get closure through the composite sketches drawn by him whereby victims were identified. He taught his son that is important to "approach any task with unfaltering dedication". That is the most beautiful trait of a Japanese person. That is something my parents and grandparents have taught me too. I approach everything with absolute dedication and commitment. Such an approach makes life worthwhile and satisfying. 

Anytime I feel lost and need to establish a direction in life, I find solace in the Japanese way of thought. Japanese way of life and Japanese culture translate my thoughts in many ways. It is as if they define my beliefs and me. I relate so much to it in terms of their sensitivity, appreciation, and creativity towards life. 

All cultures have many positive things to offer and we must learn from them. I come from a very ancient and rich culture too and which is deeply rooted in me. And I often rely on the ancient teachings in my culture to give me strength and purpose in life. Yet it is important to explore other cultures too to understand what is important to others too and deepen cultural sensitivity. I think that in giving to others do we truly find happiness and peace. I believe that in doing for others we find ourselves...    

Somebody has to do something !


" Somebody had to do something !"  This is what one person ( Nakamura san I think ) said who contributed to carrying gasoline by rail to Fukushima when the gigantic earthquake happened and resulted in the nuclear accident. Somebody also said that someone had to help the people who were dealing with the gasoline shortage which was adversely affecting their lives as a result of that disaster. Somebody said that he considered it his fate to do something for everyone at that time!  People could not commute for medical reasons or to meet their daily needs. Therefore somebody had to do something about it!  I am watching the " Lifesaving Fuel Train" on NHK. All the people who participated in carrying gasoline by rail at that time to the disaster-struck area are so worthy of all our respect.

Sometimes people have to think about the greater good and sacrifice a lot for the bigger picture! Not everyone has that kind of courage or feeling to do the greater good! But I have often seen such "kimochi" (feeling)  in Japanese people who always have this strong community spirit and are dedicated to give back to their communities as well as support them in whatever way possible. Naturally, any human being would feel intimidated by the disastrous after-effects of natural disasters. However, it is amazing how people in Japan combat the destruction caused by such disasters in the most determined, patient as well as organized manner. They handle it with such quietness, grace, and dignity. Overcoming disasters with courage and determination is a trait common among the Japanese that I so admire. 

One person said that he was fixated on moving forward to carry the gasoline on the train despite the challenges on the way. As mentioned before another said that he must do this since he felt it was his "unmei" to do this and help out others! I could so relate to that approach in some ways. Many times when life throws challenges, I by default embrace that sort of approach where I feel more determined than ever to deal with it in the best way possible and focus on getting past it or at least working around it! As I believe that most times there is no choice but to be strong!  Many Asians believe in fate! Perhaps that is what makes us adapt to many a thing that we can't understand or when we can't find answers to how life treats us. 

Natural Disasters painfully remind us every time that we can have no control over nature! Nature can be powerfully threatening! And yet the disastrous nature of nature also reminds us that the only thing we are left with is to re-build and renew our lives after the destruction. We strike too when nature strikes by not allowing it to defeat us even though it crushes us terribly! It is so challenging to recover from unexpected or expected disasters but we can discover how to work around it with all the strength that we possess. Such real-life stories presented by NHK are so inspiring especially in these times 

Things have to move on and can't remain constant to meet the requirements of others to lead as normal a life as possible even in the world health crisis. This is what one person said in the program and I think it was Nakamura san if I'm not mistaken.

We must never forget to thank all the essential workers who are ensuring that our lives are not drastically altered by disasters. And we must do our bit too since everybody has a role to play however big or small. My teacher always said that in a play each role and each part is important without which the story will be incomplete. Therefore each role matters!

I feel that at this time we must think about the greater good and protect our communities by wearing masks during this pandemic. We must follow COVID appropriate protocols to keep everyone safe. Vaccination is important even if it does not protect completely. But we must continue to give importance to social distancing and physical distancing as and when required out of respect and care for others.  This is the need of the hour! Our actions at this time will reveal how giving we are in relation to our world!  We cannot live alone or only think about ourselves because as one world we must co-exist. There are so many who don't believe in wearing masks or taking the vaccination. They may have a right to do so since to each their own. But they must consider that this comes across as a selfish and careless attitude and can affect the lives and health of others. So each one of us should carefully consider how we want to give back to the world right now and help others to have our lives restored to normalcy or at least near normalcy. We can do that by being wise and responsible! 

The world has been through greater challenges and has endured far worse in the form of world wars, natural and health disasters but through it all and every step of the way people stood together to deal with it and get past it despite so many threats and challenges. This time is one such time when we must act responsibly and think wisely! We all must do our bit as somebody has to do something!  Each has to do something!       

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sacramento- Capitol Park

A place 2 call home in San Jose-Nature at it's best


A street view in Yountville -Napa's natural beauty


Round Pond Winnery

A place with a picturesque view- An unforgettable memory of a visit to Round Pond Winery, Napa 


What breaks you makes you stronger...
What is lost to you makes you deeper...


Teachings of a Balinese Prince

 Experiences not only shapes one's life but the lives of others as well when stories are shared in person or on social media platforms. Online story telling platforms offer a personal way to share one's experiences and knowledge with a larger audience. I always love to be a story teller or a story listener in such online story learnings !

As mentioned earlier, the talks and lectures of Prince Tjok Dje Kerthyasa are very inspiring and captivating. I like hearing about his experiences and stories about his life as they are inspiring, motivating and renew my belief in what I thought is lost to many. I watched "Living Tri Hata Karna- Part 1".

It is nice to see someone valuing his family and traditions so much. I am profoundly philosophical and traditional. Everyone must inspire the next generation to carry age old customs and traditions forward. According to me, traditional values and modernity can go hand in hand. It is all about creating the right balance as the Balinese royal family is doing .Life is about maintaining balance and we believe that too in my culture. It is essential to preserve that balance in life.

I can relate so well to his cultural experiences and beliefs be it regarding Vedic traditions, Hindu customs or yoga. "Pranayama" is obviously well known to Indians. My father knows yoga and has often told me to follow it . My family too uses homeopathy and herbal medicines. Homeopathy and healing remedies have a place in both cultures. I feel that in a way our countries and cultures are deeply connected though some may not entirely agree which makes it really interesting to note the different translations of Hinduism. However I think we are the same basically...

I have to say that his way of presenting his culture, thoughts and ideas through his personal experiences and example is wonderful. Listening to his lectures gives a sense of peace and tranquility at a time when we are trying to reconnect with ourselves in the times of challenges during the world health crisis. As mentioned earlier , I am glad to have been introduced to his discussions as I believe in the way of life that he talks about and agree that we must be deeply connected to Nature. 

Spirituality has great significance in my life too. Having lived in Japan for six years as a child in Tokyo and then later as a teacher in a village in Mie-ken, I visited numerous Shinto Shrines and Buddhist Temples which inspired me to research on the similarities between Shintoism , Buddhism and Hinduism. In both Hinduism and Shintoism, natural elements are worshipped. We revere and acknowledge elements of nature. Fire, Earth & Water have representations. India and Bali both have sacred plants and trees and one of them being the Banyan tree. He compared that to Shintoism in this way that Shintoism also has sacred trees .

 So many of our beliefs and words in our languages are connected or linked. In the beginning of the talk, as a part of his greeting and later in his blessing or prayer in the end. some of the words were the same as Hindi words like "Ohm" and "Shanti".  .

 In India too chanting mantras and purification of homes with holy water or incense is part of everyday life in many households. We even sometimes use salt and light oil lamps made with clay to spread positive energy in our homes. We also have such purification rituals or purification ceremonies. Water purifying ceremony have relevance in some Asian cultures. He beautifully put it that you become one with element of water.

 Like Bali, in India too we  pray and ask for forgiveness for building anything on a land and seek permission from the divine to construct something on it. This Hindi ritual is called "Bhumipujan" and it involves a ceremony for laying the foundation. Before entering a house for the first time, we have the "Grihapravesh" ceremony where we worship to receive the blessings for positivity and good fortune in the house. So I could understand how in Bali too they give offerings to earth and natural elements. Offerings for prayers are often in the form of fruits and flowers in both countries at Hindu temples. Moreover like Bali and India, Japan honours their ancestors too through their own festival of "Obon". 

He talked about how with the sacred bells & mantras during ceremonies we harmonize ourselves with nature and divine. In India it is the same as well and you will find bells at the entrance of Hindu temples. 

It was also mentioned that different dimensions of nature and beings in other realms are acknowledged in Bali. Again I could comprehend that specially because of my personal experience too as a child. And so I wear a "tabeez/tawiz" or "kavach" as we refer to in India which is a kind of sacred symbol locket containing some verses or mantras from the holy book and amulet that protect from evil spirits and mishaps. In Japan they have something similar called " Omamori" which provide protection and blessings too.

 Omamoris are good luck charms that are often sold at Buddhist and Shinto shrines. They are prayers on a small piece of wood, paper or cloth that are then wrapped in small brocade bags. They have omamoris for everything and they are so colourful as well as attractive ! It is interesting how different cultures can have similar beliefs but in different forms. It is amazing as to how our grandmothers too thought alike as mine would advise me not to do certain things at dusk as well. Like we were told not to do stitching at that time or not allowed to lie down during that time. 

We too have an ancient Hindu calendar that the pundits refer to particularly when searching for auspicious dates for a special occasion. There are different days assigned to different Gods in Hindusim in India too. We too have certain days assigned for certain things or certain prayers.  

Tjok Gde mentioned that life is not necessarily about achieving a goal.  I am known to believe that since I follow the Buddhist saying that "enjoy the journey instead of waiting for the destination". Many of his sayings naturally reminded me of the teachings of Bhagwad Gita too .

 He says that it is important to be creators to save the earth and live in harmony with nature. That is absolutely required ! It is important to give back to the earth and I feel that appreciation would definitely be mirrored. So respect nature and respect earth !

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Valuable Teachings of a Balinese Prince


It is always so wonderful to meet people from different cultural backgrounds and cultural identities since one learns so much more through such interactions. Such interactions enhance one's interpretation of other cultures and fills in the blanks for those parts of other cultures that are invisible or unknown to you. In the present times of the pandemic, there may not be all that many opportunities entirely to be as socially active as before or attend cultural and social interaction events for that matter. But needless to say that one could still have access to knowledge and learning of new cultures through books, television and online resources. Everyday I take the time to watch programs, shows or documentaries on You Tube or TV about various cultural traditions and ceremonies.  I thoroughly enjoy watching such programs specially on KQED,,PBS and NHK here in America. 

On one such day, while watching one cultural wedding ceremony after the other on You Tube did I come across an interview with the Balinese Prince Tjok Gde Kerthyasa in the "Get Lost Education" video. I am so glad that I was introduced to his talks through You Tube. The talk was very interesting and naturally captured my attention completely particularly because I was able to relate to it so much.

 Both as an Indian and an individual I could really connect with his thoughts and beliefs at all levels. As evident from my blog, I also give importance to cultures and spirituality. Thereafter I watched another of his talks and I will be writing more articles on him based on my interpretations of his talks. Not only do I believe in homeopathy, naturopathy and herbal medicines but like him I also have experience of a teacher and an ex-Hotelier. So naturally many of my experiences have been somewhat similar. Hinduism is our common connection too. And like he said India too celebrates natural therapy.  

I too have experienced a few months at a school where the classroom environment may be described as somewhat similar to that of Green School and I shall be talking about that another time. The Green School environment in Bali also somewhat reminds me of the "Gurukuls" in ancient India. Perhaps we too can find the lost education of the Gurukul system or restore some parts of it in it's truest form to prepare the students for real life and keep them connected with their traditions.         

Hearing the conversation with the Prince of Bali on " Get Lost Education" left quite a lasting impression on me and I thought I must write about it and introduce others who have not had the opportunity as yet to listen to his talks. He talks very well and his talks give a much needed direction and purpose in these times to achieve that balance in life and to live in unison with nature. He has his own website which basically means healing waters or healing with water since he uses holy spring water to make medicine. The website is-  (healing waters) Holy water spring to make medicines

Tjok De Kerthyasa belongs to two different cultures and in my opinion that is the reason he attaches a profound meaning to cultures as such and appears to have a keen interest in drawing similarities between different cultures. He has a deep appreciation and understanding of other cultures and it is visible that he enjoys sharing his knowledge with people through his talks. I love doing that as well as a cross-cultural consultant and teacher.  I like sharing ideas and knowledge with people through my blog. I may not be from two different cultures but I come from a family that has a place for different religions. So I have always been more tolerant of other religions and cultures. Being brought up in two different religions teaches me to be very culturally sensitive. As always I manage to find some connections or similarities amidst differences of cultures and differences of religions. As a cross- cultural consultant, I find it delightful to bring people together despite their differences and bridge the distance between them. And if at all possible , there is nothing better than aligning people through their traditional or cultural connection with nature and shared interests too.      

 I feel that Prince Tjok Gde has found deep contentment and peace in living his traditions which is deeply rooted in history. I am rather envious of that because he has been fortunate enough to follow the life path that he believes in and that too in one of the countries he is connected with by birth. Many times many of us get far away from the traditional path we desire and go on a path life chooses for us in faraway countries. As much as we may be closely tied with our traditions and beliefs, we get lost in a completely different world being away from our countries in an attempt to adapt well to our new surroundings. But sooner or later it is so important to keep in touch with yourself through your age old traditions. Through his talks somehow I could renew my relationship with me and reconnect with the much loved traditions of my country too.   

He came across as a very down to earth person and somebody who is sensitive to everybody and everything around him.  His mentioning about the traumatic effect of his immigration experience in his childhood days as well as an impression left by a Harry Potter movie to prompt him to take up naturopathy makes it so relatable to any common person. I feel that being fortunate enough to experience and be a part of two different cultures has instilled in him more acceptance, sensitivity and appreciations of other cultures. I think that people with two cultural identities tend to take the best of both the cultures forward to carry forward a much more positive approach to the way of life. The holistic approach and deep acquaintance with nature is so refreshing to see in a person of his stature. He mentions Ayurveda and organic farming which too interest me a lot as that has been a part of my life . Ayurveda has it's roots in India and till date we follow that. Having worked in the Hotel Industry in Napa, I was more closely introduced to the "farm to table" ingredients in cooking by the famous chefs. 

In India too we follow homeopathy and use herbal medicines which may take time to cure but actually cure effectively. Body healing techniques through breathing methods is a part of my culture too through yoga. My mother and grandmothers have great knowledge of nutritional foods and that too that hold compatibility with different seasons. That's why I find it so important to find herbal cures in my kitchen and in certain foods. And so I find it all the more fascinating to follow his lectures. I have faith in natural medicine though there comes a time when one has to take stronger medicines in one's consultation with a Dr. specially relating to surgery or a life threatening disease. Basically it's a call for the need of the hour. But still I still rely on alternative treatment side by side particularly because it has no side effects and I openly discuss it with my American Dr. But at the end of the day it comes down to our individual experiences and perceptions as he conveys. 

I think Tjok Gde could closely observe two cultures very well while growing up and draw his own inferences based on his experiences which fortunately resulted in positive ones. He rightly says that humans have right to take care of their health ! Healing one self is important !  He says that curing is okay but the highest calling is to teach people to heal themselves. Now those are such wise words ! It is really essential to heal from the inside out to cure oneself completely and effectively. He says that nothing is more valuable than health. We can take care of family only if we are healthy. I totally agree to that and always believe Health is Wealth. You can achieve all that you want only if you have good health. He is also right in saying that it is in our power to maintain or destroy our health. My parents advocate that too and with age I have come to realize that. Like him I am a firm believer that our choices have a powerful impact on our lives. According to me, we are what we create of ourselves and we become what we choose to be. So think wisely and choose wisely ! 

Anyone who listens to his talks would be much motivated to explore the world of possibilities he offers through his teachings and ideas that are aligned with Nature which could be adhered to for a happy and healthy life. His messages to the world which are beautiful, meaningful and ever inspiring are as follows in short- 

Important to regain your traditional path if you are lost in two worlds!

Be courageous, move to commitment...then we have consciousness...

Have courage and dare to know.. know by itself. 

Embrace Nature !

[ I write spontaneously as I write from the heart. And it is edited much later as and when I want to add more. Some of his messages might not be written word to word but they convey the same meaning. It is worth listening to his talks. ]  


Monday, November 2, 2020

" Omiyage"

 In Japanese culture, "omiyage" holds a lot of importance. One is required as part of social etiquette to bring back gifts for one's friends, family and colleagues from a place that you visited on a personal or work related trip. One generally gets these beautifully wrapped gifts that specially represent the place you visited. For people at work it could be some sweets or other famous food items particularly from the place of visit which have been equisitely packed. In India too we follow thattcustom but more so with friends and family. But in Japan one has to maintain that formality and etiquette of gift giving at work place too. One can find omiyage shops easily at various places in Japan and even at shops in subway stations or airports for last minute gifts shopping. They are already so finely packed that one does not have to bother about gift wrapping.

As a Japan exchange teacher, I always carried back gifts from my country for my friends, neighbours and colleagues so as to make it known to them that I appreciated them and they were in my thoughts on my trip away from them. In fact even when joining work for the first time , I carried small gifts for my bosses and neighbours as part of introducing myself and my country to them. The gifts could be small but what matters is the thought behind it and the warm gesture. I would take Indian handicrafts items , accessories, Indian teas, silk scarves or sweets for people .  I would try to carry back small gifts for all my team teachers in Japan and all my colleagues later in Napa Valley in States though in States it is really not required to do so specially at work. Nevertheless I enjoy giving gifts ! But sometimes because of baggage restrictions on an international trip,  it is advisable to carry something big or collective that everybody could share instead of individual gifts. It could simply be a big box of local sweets or a box of famous tea or something that everyone could share at work. 

Gift giving or gift exchanging is an integral part of Japanese culture. And it is equally important as to how you present those gifts and how you receive them with appreciation. There are a lot of etiquettes involved and I just love that !

On another note it is also important to say that not everyone can acquire the art of gift giving and gift receiving in the most thoughtful way as it is not that simple as one thinks in certain cultures. Many things have to be carefully considered and wisely selected even when buying gifts specially in dealing with certain nationalities particularly in the Diplomatic community. It requires great cultural sensitivity too. For example in certain cultures some numbers and colours are considered inauspicious on certain occassions. So one has to keep all that in mind when picking up gifts or the way you give it. We shall get into that later at another time ! For now just enjoy the pleasure of gift giving and gift receiving ! It is the thoughts behind it that counts after all !              

Bullying has to stop ! No more bullying !


NHK is doing a good job in supporting the cause of "anti-bullying" by covering  short real life stories  in between their programs. They show short stories of people from all around the world who have actually experienced bullying and narrate what they went through or how deeply it affected them . At the same time these people also inform how they addressed the issue of bullying and how that changed their lives for the better. 

Bullying at schools, colleges or work is unacceptable. In fact bullying in any environment or relationship should not be accepted at all ! One has no right to mistreat or humiliate another ! 

As a student, teacher and later as a manager in a work environment, I always ensured that nobody was being bullied. Bullying at work can create a very hostile environment too. I always motivated my students and later work team to be sensitive, considerate and empathetic at all times through long discussions and giving examples . Bullying someone can destroy that person's life in more ways you can imagine. Bullying someone can break that person beyond repair at times. It can have such a long lasting and deep rooted negative impact on the person who is on the receiving end. It can powerfully affect a person's personality and performance. That is why it is absolutely important to protect and stand up for people who are being bullied. 

There are different forms and methods of bullying that an individual or group of people can adopt. An individual or a group of people can bully someone and target that person constantly. They can bully someone because of their race and how they dress too at work as well. I feel that most bullies are people who are actually complexed and insecure about themselves and that is why they derive such sadistic pleasure, power and confidence through intimidating others. In a way in being intimidated by others do they intimidate others if that makes some sense. It is important to explore why bullies are the way they are to be able to effectively change them into better versions of themselves. I used to have long one on one discussions with students who would bully other students just to study the root cause of such behaviour in order to deal with it effectively so that they won't ever repeat it. And that somehow worked wonderfully and I would see visible positive changes in them thereafter and change of behaviour for the better.       

Joy in small things

 Finding joy in small things in your daily life is so important since it inspires you in so many ways...

In Japanese culture, there is importance and appreciation of sounds and colours of seasons. One finds tranquility in attending a Japanese tea ceremony where the simple sound of pouring tea or whisking tea gives peace. It is a kind of meditation in itself where one connects deeply with the sounds hidden in silence. It is as if silence speaks...

The changing colours of the leaves throughout various seasons and the beautifully abundant trees of cherry blossoms remind you of the wonders of nature and instill hope in you for beautiful things to come. I thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Japan where everybody in everyday life gave importance to nature. They are very creative people and it reflects in the way the way they wrap gifts (origata) or fold paper (origami). Their creativity reflects in the delicate and beautiful decorations and display of their food which tries to include different colours of nature or shapes of flowers too. I just love the way they find great meaning in simple things of life everyday. 

My grandmother was like that too in the sense she found joy in everything she did everyday however mundane it may have been. She celebrated life in it's simplistic ways and yet converted each moment into such special moments with her zest for life and love for the family. Like the Japanese people she was quite ritualistic too as well as celebrated each season of life by adapting that to her food and decorations. I follow her footsteps and try to find joy in everything that I do and every moment I live. 

Today when I hear that people find it difficult to be at home, I find it strangely surprising because I was taught to appreciate and enjoy being at home. I was taught to find art in all that I do at home be it in cooking or decorating a home.

To make life pleasurable we must find beauty and solace in our homes specially now where the outside life is holding so much stress. It is at home and it is in the everyday routine at home must we find joy, peace and contentment more so now when we are supposed to remain mostly at home during the times of health crisis. At your home can you find peace and joy if you really look for it. At your home can you find solace. In the month of thanksgiving, let's be grateful for all that we have. And let's demonstrate that gratitude towards the universe and feel that gratitude endlessly by making genuine efforts to find joy in everything that surrounds you however challenging life may get...  

Sunday, June 14, 2020

I was watching a program on TV regarding the new definition of air travel in COVID-19 times. It was impressive to see how strict measures are being adopted to make our air journeys safe and secure. Some countries have started touch less elevators too at their airports which is good. It goes without saying how drastically our lives have changed in such dangerous times. We are forced to keep distance from each other to protect all's health...
In times of physical and social distancing, we are having limited interactions with people naturally. In times of lockdown we are isolating ourselves as absolutely essential and in a way we are keeping ourselves isolated from each other. It is difficult to stay in touch with each other except on the phone or through Internet. While lockdowns and stay at home practices must be observed, it is making it enormously difficult for some to be there for each other in times of need and illness. What is highly unfortunate is that some are not even able to say their last farewell to a loved one because of ban of travel in certain places.
These are such challenging and difficult times for all in so many ways. People are heavily impacted by professional, personal and financial loses because of this pandemic. Lives are altered and lives are impacted seriously. On top of it , not being able to access each other easily or not being able to stay in touch is making lives increasingly complicated.
We may not be able to stay in touch with each other all the time now but it is absolutely essential all the more to stay in touch with oneself in these times. Stay in touch with your strengths in crisis. One must not feel alone even in isolation. One must not feel weak even when others are not able to be there for you in person to support you during these times. It is important to rely on yourself and your strengths. One must remember not to lock oneself from yourself even in these new times of isolation from others. Find peace within yourself...
In these times of of lockdowns and "touch less interactions" a lot is bound to change but that does not mean you lose touch with yourself. Find connection with yourself even when alone to remain strong. Stay in touch with yourself always! The path may be rough and tough but be strong ! The path may be lonely and devoid of meaningful human interactions but you are not alone as everybody is going through the same experiences. The entire world is united in facing the same challenges and problems at this time. Find solace in the fact that many are there who can relate and understand your struggles at such a time. So in a way we all are in touch with each other in a way as all are facing this together. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

In a time that is so filled with immense suffering worldwide...In a time that is highly challenging health wise we all must come together to protect each other from this deadly coronavirus by strictly maintaining social distancing, wearing masks and obeying the rules concerning lockdowns.
We all need to stand together in this most difficult times to try to save each other by doing what is best for everyone to keep as many safe and healthy. By accepting the norms of lockdown or following the orders of shelter in place in this worldwide health crisis we will also be contributing in saving lives in our own way. Everybody from the doctors to the police as well as other essential workers are doing their best to be there for everyone and so we too must do our bit too by staying at home in this lockdown as advised because as of today another's life really depends on you. By wearing masks we are protecting not only ourselves but others too... We must act responsibly and cautiously in such dark and dangerous times...
At such a time of very tragic losses of life, I have been at a loss for words because I feel nothing can define the pain and suffering so many are enduring around the world...So I have just not been in the mood to write anything concerning corona virus till now...I felt inclined to address this subject today because I feel that so many are defying the rules of lockdown or not observing shelter in place orders which are so required for the sake of safeguarding the health of so many. We all are in this together fighting a common enemy which is taking so many lives and greatly affecting all in many ways. At such a time it is important that we do not lose dignity, kindness, hope and generosity.
These are such trying times that it seems almost impossible to harbour any hopes that things may change for the better immediately. Yet we must have in hope.Things will change. Things will get better. This too shall pass but sadly after paying an exorbitant price of losing so many precious lives around the world and that is just so unfair ! Nothing in life is constant...there will be change. Till then particularly we have to learn to be there for each other. We have to think about others and ensure that all precautions are taken to try ensuring that everyone around you remains safe and untouched by this virus and for that we must follow all the protocols of a lockdown. By following the rules regarding lockdown, we will be successful in avoiding or atleast minimizing the spread of this virus in our communities.
It may be difficult for some to give up their lifestyles, outings or daily routines that they all may be accustomed to during the period of lockdowns and shelter in place but this is something we must absolutely sacrifice to effectively battle this disease which has consumed and destroyed so many lives personally, professionally and economically. As said earlier each life is dependant on another at this time. Save lives and save yourselves by acting very responsibly and maturely at this time !
Life is a circle...And we are in a circle today where we each should be holding each other's hands in a way and supporting each other against the deadly force of this disease in order to combat this disease in every way possible and not let it win at all ! This disease has forced our lives to pause and come to a standstill...We must co operate in stopping it from spreading further ! We must stop it from defeating us ! So let's unite in dealing with this worldwide health crisis by maintaining social distancing and hygiene. Let's unite in this time of health crisis by wearing masks as advised and follow the rules of lockdowns and shelter in place. We may feel crushed but we are not defeated ! Our lives may be severely threatened and disrupted by this health crisis but we will need to deal with this in the best way possible. Immediate victory may not be possible but gradually and by moving cautiously even after normal lives resume , we would emerge victorious as long as we strictly observe what is required from us at this time. We shall overcome this...It is our duty to ourselves, others or to our nations to stand together and stand for each other during such challenging times !

Thursday, February 27, 2020

 I think...
 I wonder why there is so much intolerance prevalent in this world...

Now you would think that I am speaking about "religious intolerance" but I am not thinking about that entirely. You see intolerance comes in so many forms. Intolerance for each other could thrive amongst people even within the same community or family. Today there is more intolerance for each other than before within the same community or in a working environment for that matter. People are not willing to adapt to each other that easily and accept each other with differences in thoughts, beliefs and culture. People are not willing to accept those who speak a different language or dress differently.

I always believe that it is so important to embrace each other with all our differences and that is how uniquely beautiful and deep relationships and interactions should be. It costs nothing to be kind ! It costs nothing to be empathetic ! It costs nothing to be sensitive and generous to each other !

You can be different in every way from each other and yet you could embrace each other ! For me that is truly when the process of cultural exchange and the exchange of knowledge happens. We learn and grow much in the journey of each others' differences. Through respectful and appreciative exploration of each other can we discover and learn. Such explorations can make us better people. And yet people do not understand the value of communication and interaction to discover each other to resolve differences. People fear the unknown and something that is different and in that fear deprive themselves of gaining knowledge of each other.    

I wish the world was a perfect place and I'm not the only one...
"You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one..." This song by John Lennon speaks volumes.
There are many like us who still believe that this world could be a better place if we wanted it to be. There are many like us who have faith that this world is good. There are many like us who are still giving this world and people around us chances to become good. Some may call such people idealists or philosophical ! But so be it ! Such people truly still see goodness and kindness in this world at a time where it is so needed when we are living in the difficult and dark times of great intolerance towards each other which brews resentment, conflicts and riots. There is endless discrimination, racism and hatred which stems from basic intolerance of each other. If people could just be tolerant of each other...

Amidst such thoughts I came across a movie on Netflix which echoed so many of my long time thoughts and I connected so deeply with some of the emotions, thoughts and expressions in this movie. The name of the movie is " A Billion Colour Story". It is a very brilliant and thought provoking movie. Stories of intolerance for differences in faiths, differences in lifestyles and differences in thoughts are so skillfully portrayed and at such a level where one could relate to it closely as one may have experienced that at one time or another in life or one may have seen it happening around us.

 Like life this story has different colours both bright and dark. Yet this movie weaves a beautiful, sensitive and heartwarming story around a child of idealistic interfaith parents in the challenging setting of an intolerant and insensitive world. This child's interpretation of it all adds more depth to the story. In fact it could be at times a question of identity for a child brought up by parents of two religions even though his parents give him the best of two cultures and allow him to be who he wants to be. Yet it is sometimes the two families on either sides or mostly the world that makes him feel that he is different. I too have two religions and I celebrate Christmas too having studied in a Christian school. I am Hindu and a Sikh. My parents as well as grand parents also brought us up in a way where we were taught to celebrate and respect different identities and faiths. In fact religion was never ever an issue  at our house. I was allowed to be who I wanted to be and yet sometimes at one time or the other it were the people around us who questioned my identity specially since like the child in this movie my first name and surname would attract curiosity in the most hilarious manner. I could relate to some of the situations this child experienced when some of his relatives on either sides oddly viewed him because he was culturally different from each side or how protective he would become about his parents which was far more than other children whose parents may share the same religion.        

The movie shows how the intolerance at various levels can complicate our daily lives be it in simply finding a home to live or in differences of lifestyles. One actor rightly says in this movie that today everyone is against everyone and is not just limited to religion. I believe that as well that today basically there is intolerance between people to people.  

"A Billion Colour Story" is actually a story of the hearts of billions who still have faith in goodness despite the negativity of some. The story moved me greatly ! And the child's role played by the talented young man Dhruva Padmakumar is breathtakingly brilliant ! I don't think anyone else could have played the role as perfect as him. I have become his die-hard fan ! He complemented the role in ever way possible and translated the emotions of the character beautifully and blended it with such fine expressions.

In fact all the actors were wonderful and the credit naturally goes to the director and the writer too. I was so touched by the way the relationship of father and son was depicted. The never ending path of difficulties they faced through financial crisis and intolerance strengthened their relationship even more and brought them only closer. What was impressive was that their identities and beliefs never shook even when provoked or challenged by people or circumstances. The father never gave up faith that the world is good. The son's love, thoughtfulness and sensitivity resounds till the end of the movie and after that in our hearts. My interpretation of the movie is that despite tragedies and bad happenings a billion people out there are still very much coloured in the shades of goodness even if they have different identities. There were still a billion people out there who were willing to restore the family's faith in goodness. Intolerance exists in many parts of the world but there are still people out there who support each other and are empathetic to each other...There is still hope for the world that it would survive the worst ! And if all children could be raised to be as thoughtful and sensitive as the child in this story, they would grow up to positively contribute and give so much to this world. Lessons begin at home and children must be taught to be adapt to others who may be different from them. Then only can we stand united even in differences...                               
