Tuesday, December 17, 2019

It is nice when people within the community form a study group for group learning, reading or teaching. This certainly helps in getting focus back 2 studies or training ! Luckily we have think tanks on the property we live on where free conference rooms are available for group studies or projects. In Silicon Valley I see so many people studying there in a group with their laptops, snacks and coffee ! It reminds me of boarding school when we had the " Prep time" in which we did our homework or prepared for exams. 

Some of my "techie friends" as I fondly call them check into hotels when they are preparing for exams so that they can study for hours without the hassles of housework and other disturbances ! Now that is something strangely interesting I have got to know about the Silicon Valley culture ! They make huge investment in training too that make them eligible for 250K jobs according to them. And some of them don't even mind checking into good hotels just so that they can put in intensive preparation without any interruptions.  Now that is really playing it big ! This place is definitely different from Napa Valley culturally ! 

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