Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My friend's little daughter is so dependent on the virtual assistant "Alexa" . Very cutely she commands Alexa to do things for her all the time as if that is her "Genie" ! 🙂 Today's little kids are so influenced by technology and even know how to order things online since as early as two years...
The "tech culture" as I call it has taken over everybody's lives.
I had forgotten that they had Alexa at home & last night when my friend & I were joking around I said that it would be so nice if we could command Alexa to send a custom made date...So I on the spur of the moment said, "Alexa please send me a guy with jet black hair and blues eyes !" And suddenly Alexa says, " I am not sure !" . 😉 🙂 🙂
We burst out laughing as we had not realized that Alexa is in the room & listening to each and everything. No privacy at all with Alexa around !
Makes we wonder how strange and yet curiously interesting creations of technology can be !!! 🙂 But who knows what else Alexa or any other intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA) may start granting in the future ! 😉 That would be nice in some ways !
Software agents provide tasks or services for individuals based on commands and questions. But then people would stop making efforts to do something themselves or work for something because virtual assistants will grant all their wishes !
We have been laughing about it since morning today & I am telling my friend that she should tell Alexa to get tea or ask Alexa to remind her husband to get roses !!! 😉 

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