As sleep evaded me, I thought about all that is happening around us. I wonder for how long the world will be enveloped in this darkness of the pandemic. The stillness and the darkness of the night have not ended even though dawn will greet me soon while I write my thoughts...
We are waging a war against an unseen and unpredictable enemy which has not only taken away our lives from us but taken away precious lives forever and divided us in faith. Today the world is divided in belief and not so much in borders. The world is divided between believers and non-believers. There are those who believe that this too shall end and our lives will be given back to us. While there are others who believe that we can never escape from what we are going through. Some days there is hope that prayers will be answered and we will be free again but there are some days when there is only dismay that surrounds us...We may be in a conflict with our own selves too when we are witnessing immense suffering and tragic losses around us. Yet do not let faith desert us...
Today the world is separated in its outlook and responses. There are those to whom it does not matter anymore whether our lives will be restored or not to what it was or whether normalcy would be truly restored since they have already lost so much. And then there are those who are numb...There are some who are very empathetic and going out of their way to care about each other and support each other through this crisis. But there are others who want to continue remaining detached and oblivious to what is happening around them and continue their lives as before with total disregard to how their actions might harm others or disrespect others at this time. It is time that we align our thoughts...
Needless to say that the world is suffering the worst kind of pain and sadness ever. The world requires to be healed and the healing will take longer than expected. The only choice left to us right now is to face whatever may come and stay strong as much as we can...We have to rebuild and restore our lives in every way possible. But we are fighting a very unpredictable and faceless enemy. We have to stand together as one world to combat this deadly virus. And through these difficult times, we must stay committed to being kind and helpful to each other. Strength comes easily when people care about each other.
As always History will always be a painful reminder to us that so many innocent lives were lost yet again due to the cruel ambition and ruthless intentions of certain individuals. So many had to pay the most terrible price for the most irresponsible and careless actions of some who brought this upon every one whom they even called their own as well as others. But the actions of some cannot be blamed on others. Let not the present times divide us through hate and mistrust but instead let us embrace each other all the more at this time to get through this ordeal together.
We can just hope and pray that this too shall end like many such destructive happenings before it and we never face something like this ever again! But can there be such sureties in life especially when playing with lives is something that comes so easily to those who may not have a conscience? We cannot trust what time brings us going forward but we can place trust in ourselves in how we deal with it to the best of our abilities. We can also try to place faith in hope for better times to come. I want to believe that there will be light after darkness. In fact, I believe that things will change for the better. Times will change because nothing remains the same for long... that is the law of life! Such is life!